
3D artist looking to get into game design

Started by July 20, 2017 03:42 AM
3 comments, last by truelovewithheather 7 years, 2 months ago

Hi, I'm a 3D artist (modeling, animation and a bit of rigging) but lately I've been much more into game design.

I have a small amount of design experience and I'm looking to make a team or join one where I can flex that design muscle... And then I could probably also help on the art side of things.

I have a few game concept ideas that i'd like to explore and make demo's out of, but I'd also be willing to work towards someone else's ideas.


You can check out my 3d portfolio here:

Hello Combo-Smooth,

I just started exploring game development as well. I am a programmer and don't know anything about modeling. I am working on a small project just to learn some stuff.

You can check it out here:

If you want to help me create the models for the other dice and talk about your game ideas, we can skype, or teamspeak :-)

best regards Thomas


Hello, Combo-Smooth,

My name is Aaron, and I'm building a team to develop a realistically ambitious game for PC release called Ifrit : Second Chances. It's got a wide array of characters and a thick engrossing story that we work on as a team every day. The script has a lot of flex room, and we'd be glad to see how your skills and artistic license add to the project, if you're willing. We're not an idle team, like most you'll find, and we already have 5 members, covering an array of bases, that allow development to chug along nicely. However, you might not know this, but 3D artists and modelers are the most sought after talent on this site, and rarely pop up. As a result, we're desperately in need of someone of your talents.

Contact me at, or in a PM

I am open to new affiliates in a reality based mmorpg. Please contact my email

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