
Looking for someone to collaborate with

Started by August 05, 2017 02:52 PM
2 comments, last by Poigahn 7 years, 1 month ago

I have attempted to join a small team or collaborate with another individual a few times on this site in the past with no success.  The teams always fall apart before much of anything gets done or "personal problems" always arise with those I have attempted to collaborate with.  I am looking for someone to form a two person team that is all in on starting a project and seeing it through to completion.  I am not a professional by any means so I will not require you to be either.  I have been working on my own solo project for awhile now and would like to start something new with the clear goal of releasing it even if it is released for free.  I will be taking the 2D artist/game designer role so I will be looking for a programmer.  Send me a message on here with a little about your previous experience and best way to contact you (skype discord etc.).  

Could you post some of your art work?


I am also not a professional, nor do I want to be.  However, as a hobbyist, I would like to increase my skills in the game programming world.  What I have done in the past, was to create simple word Puzzle type Games.  For me, the next step would be to create a turn-based Military Strategy Game or a Role-Playing Fantasy game.  Maybe a simple sports game.  

  My programming reference resources are Limited and would need Help in bouncing ideas back and forth.  I am willing to do this and would like to see something through to the end.  Financial gain is always a nice reward, but it is not my driving force.  A sense of accomplishment is what I am after.

Best way to begin contact is here. I sign in 2-3 times a week.  Next step would be personal e-mail.  No time or interest in Skype or anything else.

I have programmed in Visual Basic using DirectX and C++ using Allegro and DirectX.  Any other Graphics Such as Unity, I would have to learn the command lines.

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