
Any advice?

Started by October 07, 2017 02:58 PM
13 comments, last by dreamroadproductions 7 years, 4 months ago

Hello, I am new to these forums so excuse me if this is posted in the wrong place or if this sort of post is a little broad, but I have a few questions about Game Development (I'm only starting out).Would really appreciate the help, first off I will start by telling you the very little knowledge I do know, and projects I have already attempted etc. To begin, I do not have a good knowledge of any programming languages that would be used for Game Dev. I mean, I know what they are (C++, Java, C#, Python etc.) but I have not really invested much time into learning any of these languages. Should I start by learning one of these languages, or atleast gathering a decent knowledge of them? I have used game engines (Blender most commonly) to create games in the past, and found that they were quite easy to use once you get the hang of them. The thing about that though, is I am not sure if that is healthy to get used to using game engines to complete my work. I plan on going to college in the near future, and I don't think resting on a game engine to compile my script at the press of a button will cut it haha. So should I move on and perhaps try unity and learn c++? Should I take a course in one of the languages that would be useful? I'm sorry for all the questions but I don't know where to start. 

Of course Blender is a nice start for me, I got to understand a bit about 3D object orientation and was a great way to learn how to overcome difficulties when working with a game engine, but I want to move on to bigger and better things, and the way to do that, is to learn new things that will make you progress. I know I'm sounding like a complete amateur (Because I am) but I'm in desperate need of help lol.

If someone could point me in the direction of where to start learning the basics of progressing in my journey will game development, it would be much appreciated. Would you recommend creating small 2D games before advancing to 3D? I think c++ would be the language I would want to go with (after looking into the different ones a little). I used a little bit of python when using blender but do not think it is as universally acknowledged as the likes of C++. 


I know this post is extremely broad, and perhaps some of you are a little confused of what I'm asking lol, But really I'm just asking where should I start..?


Thank you,

Aidan Donnan.

I would either pick up a game engine like Unreal Engine 4 or Unity and start messing with it to learn what aspects go into games, or I would start making things in C++. Both are useful really, existing engines are useful for showing you how things are separated and glued together while hiding the actual implementation details, but I wouldn't jump into using C++ in say Unreal, unless you already know it quite well.

If you want to learn C++ then just read a tutorial and make something, the important part is to set a goal to make something and continue to challenge yourself a bit more each time. Make hangman, make a text adventure, make something 2d. You learn a bit from everything.


Learn Unity. It is the simplest, and has the best tutorials for beginners.

Start out by following their tutorials step by step.

At first, it's not very important that you understand what you are doing.

Just follow the tutorials...

If this is too advanced for you, than you need to stop, and learn some C# first.

My Oculus Rift Game: RaiderV

My Android VR games: Time-Rider& Dozer Driver

My browser game: Vitrage - A game of stained glass

My android games : Enemies of the Crown & Killer Bees

4 hours ago, Satharis said:

After posting this thread I downloaded unity, messed about in the 3D aspect of it, created a few buildings and messed about with terrain, making hills and mountains and also the first person part. Wasn't difficult to get the hang of (after a few tutorials) 

I then started working on a billiards game, which I was able to set up quite well (table, balls, cue). But when it came to the scripting side of things, I kept encountering a CS 1525 ' void' error message once adding my script into unity. The script was one found online, and I could not for the life of me figure out the error, I tried another script (found online) and encountered maybe 4-5 errors with that one script alone. I'm not to sure where these errors came from because people who commented on the publishers script, all said it worked and was brilliant. Could it be something that I'm subliminally doing? Thank you both for a reply :)


We can't tell you why the scripts aren't working without seeing them.

Hello to all my stalkers.

public Vector3 vt = new Vector3();
public Rigidbody rstick;     // Rigidbody of stick
public Rigidbody rball;      // Rigidbody of ball
public GameObject stick1;    // object stick
public GameObject ball;      // object ball
public Transform target;
publicfloat fRadius = 3.0f;
public Transform pivot;

Vector3 unit = new Vector3(1, 0, 1);

void Start()
	pivot = new GameObject().transform;
	stick1.transform.parent = pivot;

void Update()
	vt = (ball.transform.position - stick1.transform.position);

	if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
		rball.velocity = vt*5;

	if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1))
//Controll stick rotate around white ball

void Roll()
	Vector3 v3Pos = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(target.position);
	v3Pos = Input.mousePosition - v3Pos;
	float angle = Mathf.Atan2(v3Pos.x, v3Pos.y) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
	pivot.position = target.position;
	pivot.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.up);



And what is the exact/entire error?

Hello to all my stalkers.

 error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `Vector3', expecting `class', `delegate', `enum', `interface', `partial', or `struct'

A typical Unity script starts with some other lines than the ones you've pasted here. These can't just be deleted when you create a new script.

The default lines are, I believe:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;


Hello to all my stalkers.

Still the same error

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