
DirectDraw Create Surface access violation

Started by January 12, 2018 06:56 PM
0 comments, last by Vic666 7 years ago

Hello to all i have got a DirectX 8 game i am fixing all works well besides one DirectShow function that streams a video into a DirectDraw surface, I get an Access Violation error in ->CreateSurface...Can someone help me?. Thanks Here is the function.

create_stream(const char *file_path)
	IAMMultiMediaStream *local_stream_ptr;
    IAMMultiMediaStream *global_stream_ptr;
    IMediaStream *primary_video_stream_ptr; 
    IDirectDrawMediaStream *ddraw_stream_ptr; 
    IDirectDrawStreamSample *video_sample_ptr;
    LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE video_surface_ptr;
    DDPIXELFORMAT ddraw_video_pixel_format;
	DDSURFACEDESC ddraw_surface_desc;
	RECT rect;
	int video_width, video_height;

	// Initialise the COM library.


	// Initialise the global variables.

	global_stream_ptr = NULL;
	primary_video_stream_ptr = NULL;
	ddraw_stream_ptr = NULL;
	video_sample_ptr = NULL;
	video_surface_ptr = NULL;

	// Create the local multi-media stream object.

	if (CoCreateInstance(CLSID_AMMultiMediaStream, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IAMMultiMediaStream, (void **)&local_stream_ptr) != S_OK)

	// Initialise the local stream object.

	if (local_stream_ptr->Initialize(STREAMTYPE_READ, AMMSF_NOGRAPHTHREAD,NULL) != S_OK) {

	// Add a primary video stream to the local stream object.

	if (local_stream_ptr->AddMediaStream(ddraw_object_ptr, &MSPID_PrimaryVideo, 0, NULL) != S_OK) {

	// Add a primary audio stream to the local stream object, using the 
	// default audio renderer for playback.

	if (local_stream_ptr->AddMediaStream(NULL, &MSPID_PrimaryAudio, AMMSF_ADDDEFAULTRENDERER, NULL) != S_OK) {

	// Open the streaming media file.

	MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, file_path, -1, wPath, MAX_PATH);   
	if (local_stream_ptr->OpenFile(wPath, 0) != S_OK) {
		diagnose("Windows Media Player was unable to open stream URL %s", file_path);
	// Convert the local stream object into a global stream object.
	global_stream_ptr = local_stream_ptr;
	// Initialise the primary video stream, if it exists.
	if (global_stream_ptr->GetMediaStream(MSPID_PrimaryVideo, &primary_video_stream_ptr) != S_OK)  {
	        warning("Could not get the primary video stream");
	} else {
              warning("Get the primary video stream");
        if (primary_video_stream_ptr->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectDrawMediaStream,(void **)&ddraw_stream_ptr) != S_OK) {
	        warning("Could not obtain the DirectDraw stream object");
	  } else {
            warning("Obtain the DirectDraw stream object");
        // Determine the unscaled size of the video frame.

	if (ddraw_stream_ptr->GetFormat(&ddraw_surface_desc, NULL, NULL, NULL) != S_OK)  {
	        warning("Could not determine the unscaled size of the video frame");
	} else {
            warning("Determine the unscaled size of the video frame");
	video_width = ddraw_surface_desc.dwWidth;
	video_height = ddraw_surface_desc.dwHeight;

	// Create a DirectDraw video surface using the texture pixel format, but 
	// without an alpha channel (otherwise CreateSample will spit the dummy).

	memset(&ddraw_surface_desc, 0, sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC));
    ddraw_surface_desc.dwSize = sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC);
     ddraw_surface_desc.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS | DDSD_WIDTH | DDSD_HEIGHT | DDSD_PIXELFORMAT;
    ddraw_surface_desc.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_TEXTURE | DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY;
    ddraw_surface_desc.dwWidth = video_width;
    ddraw_surface_desc.dwHeight = video_height;
    ddraw_surface_desc.ddpfPixelFormat = ddraw_video_pixel_format;
	// Here i got acccess violation 
	if (ddraw_object_ptr->CreateSurface(&ddraw_surface_desc, &video_surface_ptr, NULL) != DD_OK)  {
	        warning("Could not create a DirectDraw video surface");
		} else {
            warning("Create a DirectDraw video surface");
	// Set the rectangle that is to be rendered to on the video surface.

	rect.left = 0;
 	rect.right = video_width; = 0;
 	rect.bottom = video_height;

	// Create the video sample for the video surface.
	if (ddraw_stream_ptr->CreateSample(video_surface_ptr, &rect, 0, &video_sample_ptr) != S_OK) {
	        warning("Could not create the video sample for the video surface");
	} else {
          warning("Created the video sample for the video surface");
	// Create the event that will be used to signal that a video frame is
	// available.


	// Initialise the video textures now, since we already know the
	// dimensions of the video frame.

	init_video_textures(video_width, video_height, RGB16);
	warning("Surface started");

	streaming_video_available = true;

	// Get the end of stream event handle.


	// Return a success status.
    warning("Stream started");


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