
Rpg - Moba Hybrid

Started by February 20, 2018 02:08 AM
0 comments, last by Anthony Cao 7 years ago

Well im not exactly new to writing design concepts... I do them as a side hobby for the fun of it. If i could turn it into a career than I would, but unfortunetly it shall be a hobby for now. I also mathmatically figure out my own board game concepts too when I have free time. This is just one of my ideas. 


Mad Army of Thou

Player controls a custom character (a moba without champions, how chaotic) 

The custom character will have a weapon, armor, trousers, and shoe of players equipment choice before the match begins. The players will also have 4 abilitiy rune slots, 3 regular and 1 ultimate. This allows ability to stay accustomed to play style, in a play it your way fashion. 

The equipment will effect players characters appearence as well as gameplay to provide the individual feel of a moba rpg hybrid. 

Ever get tired of the same old minions? In a boring 3 lane tower map of pure repetition. Customize your own minion layout with 100 different minion types. 

Players will craft their own minions (robotics? Jk... Sci-fi!!!) Players do get 10 starting minions. The minions can then be choiced a spawn point and route the player wish they took in PVP and survival mode. Minions are not used in story mode unless its a boss fight or 1v1 story ai. 

The PvP map will have becons, the goal is to aquire the most becon camps before 20 minutes to win the game, becons are spawn points for minions, players can acess the becon menu at any ally becons allowing the player to adjust their own personal minion spawns. Its a massive 5v5 map, take in mind players can only access their personal minion army choice of location not an allies, and thus communication is key to choice where a minion should go. 

Minions have unique stats to each type of minion. As for balancing of stats for the minions and player equipment, i have a formula to keep the game balanced. 

Minion stats example

Mice- health 500, respawn 10 seconds, damage 50, attack spd .5, movement speed 10, range 1, passive none

Fly- health 300, respawn 15 seconds, damage 50, attack spd .7, movement speed 10, range 6, passive none

Spirit-health 300, respawn 20, damage 70, attack speed .8, speed 10, range 5, passive: Lifesteal 30% 

All minions are obtainable by playing story runs, raids, survival, and PvP, being that some are exclusive to some modes.

Story, maps are the size of an arena, large but not too large. Easter eggs with tons of rewards, and i do love writing eggs. Its not an egg if it was easy, and it wont have a valuable reward unless it was well deserved. Can be co-op with a 5 man team, no minion to help you unfortunetly. There are a total of 10 story mission and maps to play on. More players the better the rewards but harder the difficulty. 

Raids - in a big open space or narrow single lane bridge, players have to work together either in a solo, 5 man, or 10 man co op to defeat the enemy. Player woth the army that did the most in scoring gets more loot. 

Score chart for raid loot

1st- 20 items

2nd- 18 items

3rd- 16 items

4th/5th 12 items

6th to 8th 10 items

9th/10th 8 items. 


Survival - defend a singe base camp from onslaught of enemy minions, if 20 touches base then its GG. Game ends when all 20 health is lost but player gets loot depending on how many enemies the player has defeated. Rare minion kills loot is shared with whole team. Uncommon and below spawns are depending on individual kill. 


I have a lot more balancing and design in my journal of this concept and many more. And i thought why not share for feedback. 

Anthony Q Cao

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