
Position Offset issue

Started by March 03, 2018 09:12 PM
2 comments, last by CreationHunter 6 years, 6 months ago

i've been trying to sort this for a few days now and with no luck, hope someone can advise (see diagram attached).

* Screen space is drawn from top left as 0,0.
* I have an emitter at (A) which shoots a particle that checks for a collision until it hits a surface.
* (A) can move around, and (B)s position is linked to (a child of) A.   So if A is moves, B also moves with A.

At the moment I have a particle firing up into the air but it constantly finds collision which is level with the Emitter (black line in the pic).
It doesn't continue falling until it hits a surface. Help.

** Problem solved, thread can be deleted **


Can you show us the code used to simulate the projectile, and handle the collision with B?

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []


Thx for quick reply sc, it is solved.

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