
3D Manifold Collision Response

Started by April 28, 2018 05:39 PM
26 comments, last by Dirk Gregorius 6 years, 3 months ago


I've refactored my 3D Collision Engine so it creates Manifolds suggested by @Dirk Gregorius

Previously I only considered Collision Response using a single point between 2 objects, but Manifolds have several points

Does anyone have advice on how I can deal with Collision Responses using Manifolds?


Reject the basic asumption of civialisation especially the importance of material possessions

You can use the technique found here in Box2D *Lite*:

Here is a 3D version I made a while ago:

And a couple related reading references:


If I have Inertia Tensors for my Polyhedra,

How can I lock movement of my objects about the Y axis?

Reject the basic asumption of civialisation especially the importance of material possessions

Zero out the Y axis of your inertia tensor.

@Randy Gaul,

when I create my polyhedra I work out the Tetrahedra inside, volume & center of mass

Is it difficult to create Inertia Tensors considering I have this information?

Reject the basic asumption of civialisation especially the importance of material possessions

There are a bunch of publications on this topic. Here are some references:



Personally I use this method:


I think Stan Melax wrote about this as well, but I cannot find a link right now. Maybe Randy has one...


@Dirk Gregorius,

I've briefly looked over several methods of creating Inertia Tensors but the maths looked difficult

In your opinion is the maths difficult for some1 who has above average math skills?

The last link it broken do you have a working version or title of the paper?


Reject the basic asumption of civialisation especially the importance of material possessions

I fixed the links and paste my code for computing inertia. Then you don't need to worry about the math too much.

struct RnMassProperties
	float Mass;
	RnMatrix3 Inertia;
	RnVector3 Center;

RnMassProperties RnHullShape::ComputeMassProperties( float Density ) const
	// M. Kallay - "Computing the Moment of Inertia of a Solid Defined by a Triangle Mesh"
	float Volume = 0.0f;
	RnVector3 Center = RN_VEC3_ZERO;

	float XX = 0.0f;  float XY = 0.0f;
	float YY = 0.0f;  float XZ = 0.0f;
	float ZZ = 0.0f;  float YZ = 0.0f;

	// Iterate over faces and triangulate in-place
	for ( int I = 0; I < mHull->FaceCount; ++I )
		const RnFace* Face = mHull->GetFace( I );
		const RnHalfEdge* Edge1 = mHull->GetEdge( Face->Edge );
		const RnHalfEdge* Edge2 = mHull->GetEdge( Edge1->Next );
		const RnHalfEdge* Edge3 = mHull->GetEdge( Edge2->Next );
		RN_ASSERT( Edge1 != Edge3 );

		RnVector3 V1 = mHull->GetVertex( Edge1->Origin );

			RnVector3 V2 = mHull->GetVertex( Edge2->Origin );
			RnVector3 V3 = mHull->GetVertex( Edge3->Origin );

			// Signed volume of this tetrahedron
			float Det = rnDet( V1, V2, V3 );

			// Contribution to mass
			Volume += Det;

			// Contribution to centroid
			RnVector3 V4 = V1 + V2 + V3;
			Center += Det * V4;

			// Contribution to inertia monomials
			XX += Det * ( V1.X * V1.X + V2.X * V2.X + V3.X * V3.X + V4.X * V4.X );
			YY += Det * ( V1.Y * V1.Y + V2.Y * V2.Y + V3.Y * V3.Y + V4.Y * V4.Y );
			ZZ += Det * ( V1.Z * V1.Z + V2.Z * V2.Z + V3.Z * V3.Z + V4.Z * V4.Z );
			XY += Det * ( V1.X * V1.Y + V2.X * V2.Y + V3.X * V3.Y + V4.X * V4.Y );
			XZ += Det * ( V1.X * V1.Z + V2.X * V2.Z + V3.X * V3.Z + V4.X * V4.Z );
			YZ += Det * ( V1.Y * V1.Z + V2.Y * V2.Z + V3.Y * V3.Z + V4.Y * V4.Z );

			Edge2 = Edge3;
			Edge3 = mHull->GetEdge( Edge3->Next );
		while ( Edge1 != Edge3 );
	RN_ASSERT( Volume > 0.0f );

	// Fetch result
	RnMatrix3 Inertia;
	Inertia.C1.X = YY + ZZ;  Inertia.C2.X =     -XY;  Inertia.C3.X =     -XZ;
	Inertia.C1.Y =     -XY;  Inertia.C2.Y = XX + ZZ;  Inertia.C3.Y =     -YZ;
	Inertia.C1.Z =     -XZ;  Inertia.C2.Z =     -YZ;  Inertia.C3.Z = XX + YY;

	RnMassProperties Out;
	Out.Mass = Density * Volume / 6.0f;
	Out.Center = Center / ( 4.0f * Volume );
	Out.Inertia = ( Density / 120.0f ) * Inertia;

	return Out;

Note that the inertia is relative to the origin. You can shift the inertia to the center of mass using the Parallel Axis Theorem:

Here is some helper code:

// Inertia helper
RnMatrix3 rnSteiner( float Mass, const RnVector3& Origin )
	// Usage: Io = Ic + Is and Ic = Io - Is
	float Ixx =  Mass * ( Origin.Y * Origin.Y + Origin.Z * Origin.Z );
	float Iyy =  Mass * ( Origin.X * Origin.X + Origin.Z * Origin.Z );
	float Izz =  Mass * ( Origin.X * Origin.X + Origin.Y * Origin.Y );
	float Ixy = -Mass * Origin.X * Origin.Y;
	float Ixz = -Mass * Origin.X * Origin.Z;
	float Iyz = -Mass * Origin.Y * Origin.Z;

	// Write
	RnMatrix3 Out;
	Out.C1.X = Ixx; Out.C2.X = Ixy; Out.C3.X = Ixz;
	Out.C1.Y = Ixy;	Out.C2.Y = Iyy;	Out.C3.Y = Iyz;
	Out.C1.Z = Ixz;	Out.C2.Z = Iyz;	Out.C3.Z = Izz;

	return Out;

E.g. to shift the mass to the center use

Inertia -= rnSteiner( Mass, Center );

Melax inertia:

Thanks for the help Guys,

The difficulty level has become very high for my 'simple' game

A quick estimate: it would take 4 months to get this all working

Game dev is tough!

Reject the basic asumption of civialisation especially the importance of material possessions

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