
Need advice for a female Native American character I'm creating

Started by January 05, 2019 09:05 PM
42 comments, last by Joseph Al-Tal 5 years, 7 months ago

It's for my fighting game I'm working on. And I want to use the best option that seems the least offensive or one that would not be offensive at all.

Should I make her an MMA fighting champion that fights for fame and glory?

A cop or wilderness cop from the Midwest?

Or a survivalist expert?

I believe the least potentially offensive option is always the one that is farthest from any perceivable stereotype, and one that fits the theme without reaching too far.  I would vote MMA fighter on this one. ;)


Maybe also read a book or two and watch some docos. There are probably cultural preservation organisations with people you could talk to. Alternatively make her native american without bringing it up overtly at all. MMA fighter seems safest... ironically.

Why do s

5 hours ago, RevanT1 said:

Should I make her an MMA fighting champion that fights for fame and glory?

What's this stereotype about native Americans not caring about material possessions?

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.

6 hours ago, RevanT1 said:

It's for my fighting game I'm working on. And I want to use the best option that seems the least offensive or one that would not be offensive at all.

Should I make her an MMA fighting champion that fights for fame and glory?

A cop or wilderness cop from the Midwest?

Or a survivalist expert?

We live in a society where anything can be offensive to someone no matter how factual those claims are, or if you had any intent to offend to begin with.

If there is no ill intent, then go ahead with whatever you decide... There is always a chance someone could be offended.

That being said, none of your options listed would indicate you're discriminating against Native Americans.

Programmer and 3D Artist

1 hour ago, Rutin said:


Discrimination and offensiveness are two different things.

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.


Thanks everyone! I think I'll go with the MMA fighter idea for her. And if I want to keep within her culture, would it be okay if I added some totem spirits as if she has some supernatural abilities to some of her movesets just to indicate she's of Native heritage and to show she's a little above human abilities? 

And last two more characters. One is a drunken kung full master originally from the west and I wanted to make him a somewhat overweight black male from Canada or France. Which country sounds better and does this character sound offensive? 

And last one is supposed to be inspired by Deadpool and Duke Nukem type of character and I don't want him a stereotype. He's supposed to be a bad guy. Which sounds better to avoid cliches? If I make him a soldier? Or a cop?

I have something for you. If two your positive characters are native american female and black male, do the same with bad guys. Then you could build kind of "mirroring" scheme for them, where each character has his/her counterpart. This way you cannot offend anyone, because at the same moment you present positives and negatives of the same aspect. 

I hope this could help a bit :)

One general tip for not causing offense when including a minority character is to include two character from the same minority, and give them completely different personalities.  That way it's clear that their personalities are aspects of these individual characters, and not intended as some sort of generalization across a whole group.

5 hours ago, siso said:

I have something for you. If two your positive characters are native american female and black male, do the same with bad guys. Then you could build kind of "mirroring" scheme for them, where each character has his/her counterpart. This way you cannot offend anyone, because at the same moment you present positives and negatives of the same aspect. 

I hope this could help a bit :)

Actually I had in mind to create a more villain style female cop who happens to also be of Native American descent and possible cousins to the female Native American MMA woman so that should be a good counterpart right? :)

Now for the Deadpool/Duke Nukem type of bad guy, if I made him say black wouldn't that be kind of a stereotype? Because many black characters in fighting games are portrayed as loud comical and aggressive?  Like take Zack for instance in Dead or Alive. Would I be better off making this character Asian?

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