
Space Hockey - Pirate Dawn Universe

Started by February 12, 2019 05:41 PM
18 comments, last by jbadams 6 years ago
12 minutes ago, Kavik Kang said:

I am probably the source of the "Rock Star Game Designer" thing.

No.  This is untrue.  The simple fact is that you are not a well known video game designer, and never have been. You are not a well known table-top (or board game, card game, any other type of game...) designer either, and you never have been.

You are known by a small number of visitors to as a crank user who posts delusional walls of text occasionally - other than that you are simply not known in the industry, and you never have been.  No one here "hates" you, we just feel sorry for you.

I say this not to be mean, but as one last attempt at a reality check.  The things you believe are not true, and we would genuinely love for you to get the help you obviously need.

If it helps you to "save face" in your mind to dismiss me as "an amateur so far beneath you that I can't possibly understand you" go right ahead, but please seek help.

- Jason Astle-Adams

@Kavik Kang no matter how good you are and how much you have to offer, your social skills will either make or break you when it comes to any activity that involves people. I don't mean this in a negative way, but you really need to reflect personally on why so many people don't respond positively to you, and it's not a conspiracy. You might think you've invented all these things and really believe it, but you're not producing anything so it doesn't matter. People who have created something tangible from those concepts are the ones holding credit to either the evolution of the concept itself, or bringing it forth with greater clarity. The holodeck it self can be referenced to media work in the early 50s, so unless you're in your 80s I doubt you came up and built the foundation of the holodeck as it is today.

At the end of the day you're only robbing yourself of future opportunities and potentially great friendships. I hope the best for you, and hope to see your game in the near future.

Programmer and 3D Artist


I am not the problem.  My "social skills" are just fine.  In fact, I am practically diplomat-like in real life.  You don't understand the true nature of the situation here, and how long this has been going on.

27 minutes ago, jbadams said:

No.  This is untrue.  The simple fact is that you are not a well known video game designer, and never have been. You are not a well known table-top (or board game, card game, any other type of game...) designer either, and you never have been.

You are known by a small number of visitors to as a crank user who posts delusional walls of text occasionally - other than that you are simply not known in the industry, and you never have been.  No one here "hates" you, we just feel sorry for you.

I say this not to be mean, but as one last attempt at a reality check.  The things you believe are not true, and we would genuinely love for you to get the help you obviously need.

If it helps you to "save face" in your mind to dismiss me as "an amateur so far beneath you that I can't possibly understand you" go right ahead, but please seek help.

As I explained, that was from the early conventions.  Computer game makers came to our conventions where I was VERY well known and always "bothering" them about making computer games.  I was MOST LIKELY the source of the "Rock Star Game Designer" thing.

Everyone notice how all I did was try to post looking for someone to make Space Hockey... and look at what THEY have turned it into.  All while insisting that I need better social skills, I am not sane, I am a nobody, and I am the problem.  And they have, once again, actively prevented me from making games.  I just thought I'd point that out for those following along.  Normally they would just ban and silence me, close the thread because they can't defeat me in a debate.  So they just act like fascists and deny me the right to speak.  That's how they NORMALLY react.  Pretty soon they will probably ban me... for looking for a programmer to try and make Space Hockey.

I am 3 full generations of simulation design ahead of them, and have quantified exactly what that means many, many, many times before.  It's a real thing that anyone with an IQ over 90 can understand.  They don't qualify.


"I wish that I could live it all again."

5 minutes ago, Kavik Kang said:

I am not the problem.  My "social skills" are just fine.  In fact, I am practically diplomat-like in real life.  You don't understand the true nature of the situation here, and how long this has been going on.

The way other people react and respond to you in social environments will be a good indicator of your social skills. If people at large are not responding well to you that would be a good indication the problem is with you, and not other people.

For example if every place I work people either avoid me or refuse to engage with me after a few interactions, that would mean something I'm doing is putting people off. This is a lot different than a few people not liking you or accepting you.

In my pre-teens to early 20s (almost mid 20s) I thought I knew everything, had a real big attitude, and of course zero humility. Heck, I would probably tell you I invented water. People did not want to engage with me at large, I lost a lot of opportunities, good friends, and ruined new relationships. It took a lot of self reflection and admitting I was the problem not other people to turn things around. I grew up in a very rough situation as a kid and my environment unfortunately did not set me up to win. I'm not perfect by any means, but people who knew me back then to now say I changed like day and night. I wasn't going to rob myself of a good life because of my arrogance and go through the rest of life unhappy with people and the world thinking everyone hated me. I was putting out a lot of negative vibes before and I don't blame people for avoiding me like the plague back then.

I'm in a better place now, and extremely thankfully I changed when I did. It's never too late.

Programmer and 3D Artist

22 minutes ago, Kavik Kang said:

Everyone notice how all I did was try to post looking for someone to make Space Hockey... and look at what THEY have turned it into.

NO, that is not all you did. You made false claims stating that you are, for better or worse, well known in the biz.

It was actually pretty good until that last paragraph in the original post.

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.

58 minutes ago, Kavik Kang said:

As I explained, that was from the early conventions.  Computer game makers came to our conventions where I was VERY well known

No.  I'm sorry, but this simply isn't true either.  I had cause a couple of years ago now to speak to a couple of successful people from the table top industry who attended many of those conventions and had interacted with you in some capacity, and everyone I spoke to that remembered you ensured me that you are not well known in that industry either, and that you never were.  You were never a professional designer in that industry.

Furthermore, this "rock star designer thing" that you refer to where the video game industry supposedly dislikes and actively suppresses "rock star designers" simply isn't actually a thing. Our industry loves to celebrate celebrity developers in many roles including designer, and is more than happy to put them on a pedestal and promote their work.


We've been allowing these delusions to continue because we believed that it was largely harmless and probably the best thing for you, but sadly that does not seem to be the case, so I'm telling you now, no one believes any of these claims, and no one ever has.

Intervention time. The things you are saying are simply not true.  It's time to get help - if we can't encourage you to do that, sadly I don't think there's any value we can offer you here.

- Jason Astle-Adams


Good lord, we're still letting this shit continue?  Come on, guys.

Ok, you've given my my answer... 

...pray I decide to be merciful.

I'm done with you, fascist scum.

"I wish that I could live it all again."

...and with that, we're done. Please seek help Marc.  Good luck in your journey.

- Jason Astle-Adams

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