I'm interested in programming a new engine for a commercial game a few talented friends and I plan to make after our next translation project is complete. It already has English graphics so there's not much to do for me for those months.
It will be a text and story heavy game, with gameplay similar to older Fire Emblems.
So I need:
-a dialogue system
-grid and turn based maps (while pixel art, should be 3D in order for it to be tilted slightly instead of having the straight top-down view, perhaps with 3D effects such as cinders flying about)
-combat animations separate from the map (a blackout followed by a new screen)
I think those are the most major functions of the engine I want.
Is there a specific language I should do this in? Are there any pitfalls I might stumble into?
Also yes, while platforms such as SRPG studio exist, they really don't look great, and as the graphics person, I don't look forward to working with that. I have a bunch of ideas we’d need our own engine for.
(and yes I know this sounds overly ambitious)
thanks in advance!