
Owl Shooter (Manager Killer) - DOOM like FPS

Started by August 24, 2019 01:23 PM
56 comments, last by Homeship 3 years, 11 months ago

A 3D shooter requires 3d artists, animators and sound engineer.


Good day.

The project is unequivocally non-profit and applicable to such tasks:

- go through the entire sequence of the project’s release in Steam,

- get the project in the portfolio

- Practice low-budget indie marketing.

- game development skills upgrade )

And all this - with a minimum budget.

The game is done on Unity.

Some free content assets from the asset store. Many of them are highly modified.
 All code is mine. 

The plot and setting of the shooter is based on the comic strip by Alexadr Dyakov "Owl - is an effective manager.

The Hare from the comic strip will act as the protagonist.

His opponents: jerboas, raccoons, bats, wolves (as the most guards and security forces of the owl) and owls themselves.

Duration of the game - 5 locations (Forest, Plant, Offices, Snow-capped mountains, Desert).
 2-3 hours of gameplay.

The emotional goal of the game is to respond to the experiences that arise when reading a comic book.))
The use of characters and several pages of the comic book has already been agreed with the author of the comic book.

Game Features: 

- "dismembered" - you can shoot \ tear off an enemy limb, tail or head (which is lethal, of course). Also, the "fifth point" (ass) is vulnerable for some enemies. 

- several types of weapons for making "meat": fork, axe, chainsaw, flamethrower, grenade launcher, machine gun, double-barreled shotgun and one futuristic weapon avaliable close to the end of the game 

- a lot of blood and violence

- high game dynamics (not DOOM but... ))

- the possibility of attacks from the back, which provides the mechanics of "silent killings"
- enemies have a limited view, and respond to sounds 

- weather system (snow, rain, fog, thunderstorm, wind), change of time of day 

- localization of hits and change in the behavior of opponents, depending on their condition.

We trying to make it cheap (in development), simple and fun as possible.

At the moment, alpha version of game is already ready. All described features of the game are implemented already.

Current development status:

- game mechanics (moving, interacting, shooting, damage models) - READY

- metagaming (purchase of weapons and ammunition between locations, briefing and debriefing) - READY

- AI of opponents (attacks, evasion, player search, reactions to changes in the situation, state of stunning, etc.) - READY

- first location (passage scenario, content, level design, cut scenes) - READY

- rest of locations - WIP

the software part is 95% complete. Polishing gameplay, optimizing and bug fixing in progress.

The following specialists are invited to the project enthusiastically:

1. Sound-designer
2. 3D artists (modelers) - enviroment props
3. 3D Animators - there are 4 characters need to be animated

Planned Steam release  -  september-october 2019.








16 minutes ago, Homeship said:

A 3D shooter requires 3d artists, animators and sound engineer.


Good day.

The project is unequivocally non-profit and applicable to such tasks:

- go through the entire sequence of the project’s release in Steam,

- get the project in the portfolio

- Practice low-budget indie marketing.

- game development skills upgrade )

And all this - with a minimum budget.

The game is done on Unity.

Some free content assets from the asset store. Many of them are highly modified.
 All code is mine. 

The plot and setting of the shooter is based on the comic strip by Alexadr Dyakov "Owl - is an effective manager.

The Hare from the comic strip will act as the protagonist.

His opponents: jerboas, raccoons, bats, wolves (as the most guards and security forces of the owl) and owls themselves.

Duration of the game - 5 locations (Forest, Plant, Offices, Snow-capped mountains, Desert).
 2-3 hours of gameplay.

The emotional goal of the game is to respond to the experiences that arise when reading a comic book.))
The use of characters and several pages of the comic book has already been agreed with the author of the comic book.

Game Features: 

- "dismembered" - you can shoot \ tear off an enemy limb, tail or head (which is lethal, of course). Also, the "fifth point" (ass) is vulnerable for some enemies. 

- several types of weapons for making "meat": fork, axe, chainsaw, flamethrower, grenade launcher, machine gun, double-barreled shotgun and one futuristic weapon avaliable close to the end of the game 

- a lot of blood and violence

- high game dynamics (not DOOM but... ))

- the possibility of attacks from the back, which provides the mechanics of "silent killings"
- enemies have a limited view, and respond to sounds 

- weather system (snow, rain, fog, thunderstorm, wind), change of time of day 

- localization of hits and change in the behavior of opponents, depending on their condition.

We trying to make it cheap (in development), simple and fun as possible.

At the moment, alpha version of game is already ready. All described features of the game are implemented already.

Current development status:

- game mechanics (moving, interacting, shooting, damage models) - READY

- metagaming (purchase of weapons and ammunition between locations, briefing and debriefing) - READY

- AI of opponents (attacks, evasion, player search, reactions to changes in the situation, state of stunning, etc.) - READY

- first location (passage scenario, content, level design, cut scenes) - READY

- rest of locations - WIP

the software part is 95% complete. Polishing gameplay, optimizing and bug fixing in progress.

The following specialists are invited to the project enthusiastically:

1. Sound-designer
2. 3D artists (modelers) - enviroment props
3. 3D Animators - there are 4 characters need to be animated

Planned Steam release  -  september-october 2019.


























Sound engineer joined a team!

Test build from 11 september 2019.
Download link

Build includes full first location, one half of second location.  There are two languages supported: english and russian.

Input (controller's) settings - works from in-game Settings-screen only.

Video settings - from Unity start window for now. This window will be turned off in fufture.


Download format - RAR-archive, simply unpack to any folder and run OwlShooter.exe.

Platform: Windows x64

Needs an active steam client.


I'm waiting a feedback and error logs.

Error log will be:  "SYSTEM DRIVE":\Users\"YOUR ACC NAME"\AppData\LocalLow\Homeship Ind_\OwlShooter\output_log.txt 


Changelog of last build (link below):

1. Removed player collisions with bonus (extra) supplies falling out of opponents

2. Reduced the number of drop-out supplies. For balance goals.

3. Changed the logic of the "Hare scent". Now it has a changing radius. It's range is displayed on the diagram in the upper right (with the eye). This solves the problem with a long search for enemies in the Forest location.

4. Redone the decal system - highly optimized. Must reduce lags.

5. Fixed a bug with the inability to enter buildings

6. Fixed a bug with difficulty moving up the stairs

7. Fixed a bug with hit bonus supplies in some inaccessible places

8. Fixed a bug with the game freezing in a big hangar at the Factory location, when jerboas cannot determine where to jump

9. Fixed a bug with a raccoon shift in a briefing of the second location

10. The discrepancy between the line of fire and the center of the sight is fixed.

11. Fixed a bug with the sound event "alarm" of opponents

12. Fixed a bug with fence columns (a postscript to several LODs)

13. Fixed a bug in the weapon system

14. All surfaces now have their own visual hit effect.

15. Bonus supplies now disappear after 45 seconds from the moment they appear. In order to optimize.

16. Added a number of visual effects on the location of the Factory.

17. Added POI location Factory.

18. Improved visual rain effect.

19. Optimized visual effects of the night (fireflies).

20. Now there is an indication of the "Shop" button if the player has the opportunity (nuts) to buy something there.

21. Improved some textures of the second location (Factory).

New video (from second location): 

There are some freezes - Bandicam + game overloads my PC.((

Due to the fact that many people downloaded a game but no one trying to give a feedback - I cancel an access to game archive.

Wolf Idle animation

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