
I'm looking for a programmer, 3D artists and an animator Unreal Engine Indie Game

Started by March 08, 2020 11:11 PM
6 comments, last by NewbieHarbs 5 years ago

Hello, i have an idea for a medieval videogame but the problem is that it's only me, so i come here with the hope to find someone that will join to me in this videogame project. I have a little bit of experience on level design but absolutely nothing about programming (just a few of C#) , 3D modeling or animation. My intention is to create a Team, so if you are a programmer, 3D modeling (characters and assets) or animator you're welcome.

P.S. The project will be on Unreal Engine so the programmer must know C++ or Blueprint.

Unless you can show some very good levels you have designed, you have zero chance of creating a team. Even then it's a stretch.

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.


@fleabay Why? Because i'm not a programmer or because i can't create a character? If i'm here is for someone that can do this thing otherwise i would never come here.

@Abyssus_abyssum_invocat A level designer is important, I'm not saying otherwise. What's wrong with offering your skills to an already established team?

Nobody gets to be Dungeon Master and call the shots until they've played D&D a few times.

Also, are you inferring that you prop model? That is considered an additional skill to level design.

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.

You must offer more to the rest of people.

You can not just say “i have an idea for a comics, and i search for a comics artist(and a writer, because having an idea is not like writing it down from start to end, which is a good amount of work to do)”. You can ask for slaves ofc, but nobody will work for you just because of the idea you had once, while you do nothing at all.

And you go even further - you want to give orders to 4+ specialists, offering nothing. This is not how it works.

You need to offer more in exchange. Try to learn at least one of the crafts needed for game development, and then come back and ask again.

(it is not only gamedev, ask the same question in a community full of artists - “I have an idea for a comics, i need an artist”…. you will get a similar answer)

(the minimal effort you can do, is to sketch out the mechanics, some designs and explain the rules, explain how it works etc. All that in an easy to read and understand, brief way.)

“i have the idea about a machine that will let you travel through time, i search for engineers of all kinds possible. This is it, this is my idea - two words: Time Machine. Two words is all my contribution. I need people to work on it.”…..

@Abyssus_abyssum_invocat I'm curious if you got a message from the admin. saying something along the lines of “recruiting is not permitted.” I posted something very similar to this and had my post deleted and was told if I did it again I'd be removed from the site. Did you get a similar message? I'm guessing not since I can see you post, I just don't see whats wrong with it to begin with. I was just curious…


Nevermind, I see now he did tell me to post in this section. Didn't realize I was in this forum, disregard my question.

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