
Webhosts for project repositories?

Started by April 14, 2020 09:23 AM
5 comments, last by WGS_Stillwater 4 years, 5 months ago

Any recommendations for web hosts particularly suited for repo hosting? Ideally speed isn't as much of an issue as is any sort of data limits since assets add quite a bit of bulk.

Github is free of charge for private repos, but not in all versions.


I've had good experiences with BitBucket as well. It's free for both private and public repo's.

kubera said:

Github is free of charge for private repos, but not in all versions.

The problem I ran into with Github is you are limited to pushing 10gb per month. Which once a project is all pushed, that would be fine since updates wouldn't eat up so much bandwidth… but there's no way to push like 20-30gb (or whatever size the project ends up with assets) in a reasonable amount of time. Of course having a LAN based source control negates this issue, but that is of no help when working remotely with others.

I need something that can handle a possible 50gb push, something tailored to large projects.

It's generally not a good idea to put large binary objects into your repo. Git cannot diff them so any alteration will force them to be included entirely, eventually blowing up your repo size and performance. People often use separate backup strategies for assets.

I haven't used this, but perhaps it comes as an aid:

repo size is not a concern, as long as people can pull and push to the repo I'm fine with it. I know github isn't the best choice for binary files, however every source control has it's advantages / disadvantages.

You cannot create a project people can work on remotely without including the assets when the assets are a key part of the development process on the whole.

I've used LFS, file size isn't the issue… github will only allow 10gb of bandwidth per month and their plans don't seem to mention an increase to this limit in any fashion. I can't be the only person wanting to push a large repo for a game project.

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