Is there a BBCode or something on the BLOGS and Forums for INLINE CODE?

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2 comments, last by khawk 3 years, 1 month ago

TL;DR : Is there a way to do a inline code block on this site, on the Blogs or on the Forums?

I know that you can click the “add code block” in the button bar… but sometimes you want to just quickly writing in the middle of a paragraph something like Console.WriteLine("Is there a Inline Code Highlighter I could use"); and then just continue on with your paragraph . Now I have boldened and italicised it to make it stand out, but there is not even anyway to make the font change colours. If I could make a background/forground adjustment to the font, that would be basically the same thing.

Anyway, is there anyway to do that, and if not, please consider it.


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: GameDev.Net Blog: Open Blog; Read Blog : My uTube Chans : TragicTableTopTragicDeskTop

The editor does not support bbcode. However, you can use Markdown style.. for example:

`myVariable` is defined

will convert to:

myVariable is defined

You'll see the text change in the editor when you hit the end `

Your Profile → Settings → Content menu also has a help guide for the editor and a way to disable autoformatting if desired.

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