
Anyone looking for a Musician or Sound Designer

Started by May 13, 2020 12:02 AM
1 comment, last by Kubix 4 years, 4 months ago

I am trying to expand my music to video games. I have years of experience with music.

I also have some experience making sound effects tho I would still consider myself amateur at it (better than some but still learning).

I am mainly in this as a hobby but would love to join a team some day whether for fun or for professional work.

Feel free to message me and thank you for reading!


Hey there :)

We're a team of a 26 years old programmer / game designer, 21 year old 3D artist and a 23 year old 2D artist / concept artist. As you can see we're short on sound designers and musicians, so we'd gladly have you on our team for our current or future projects :D

If you're interested just message me or add me on discord: Fabs#5767 :)

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