My GameDev profile - locked for editing?

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2 comments, last by chao51 3 years, 5 months ago


My profile seems to be “stuck” from ages ago when I made this account.

It is pointing to an old website (Lodgia) which I don't own anymore.

How can I change my profile? I see no options in the gui (of gamedev website) to do so.

Thanks for any help


Chao55 / Retro Games, Programming, AI, Space and Robots

Currently working on HyperPyxel paint program -​​ and an asteroids clone under my "Game1" javascript game "engine".


Here's the page for editing your signature & bio:

Is currently working on a rpg/roguelike
Dungeons Under Gannar

Thanks! That worked fine ?

Chao55 / Retro Games, Programming, AI, Space and Robots

Currently working on HyperPyxel paint program -​​ and an asteroids clone under my "Game1" javascript game "engine".

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