When I started game engine development, many thought it was impossible for one person to build a game engine. But I proved that I could build a game engine with an old computer without a budget. Of course, there is still a lot of work to be done.
Vanda Engine is a free and open source game engine for games and real time interactive 3D on Windows. It's a long time that I'm working on this game engine. I have used these languages to develop Vanda Engine: MFC, OpenGL, PhysX, COLLADA DOM, Lua, OpenAL, Minizip and several other APIs. source code is available for download from Sourceforge and GitHub.
You can download Vanda Engine from https://vanda3d.org
Sourceforge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/vandaengine/
GitHub: https://github.com/ehsankamrani/vandaengine
Here are some screen shots of Vanda engine:
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