Need ideas for interesting, unique movement/ combat mechanic for a game

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8 comments, last by Geri 11 months, 3 weeks ago

I want to try and implement a unique movement/ combat system to my game, something different from usual WASD movement.


You can't seriously expect anybody to give you helpful ideas if you don't tell us anything whatsoever about your game (other than it's to be played on a computer with a keyboard, and there is some sort of movement, and there is some sort of combat). So…? And what is your problem with WASD? If you're just trying to be unique but you don't have any ideas how to be unique, then you can't expect other people to do all your creativity for you.

-- Tom Sloper --

@undefined sorry

Everything jumps up and down!

@Alberth haha sounds cool!

aushijo said:

@undefined sorry

So are you going to share any info, what kind/genre of game you're making, and why WASD is not an option?

-- Tom Sloper --

fleabay said:
I asked my good friend

Your good friend chatgpt? :D

-- Tom Sloper --

What angle does the player look at the character from? First person, third person, isometric, platformer? Can you please include a screenshot of the game?

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