
Help me with my map editor!!!

Started by February 01, 2000 08:02 PM
0 comments, last by thekid 24 years, 8 months ago
I need to make a map editor for my upcoming RTS game. I know how to program it and to write directX to a window but I don''t know how to make a program with widows and child windows. In all my game programming knowlege and learning I didn''t learn any MFC and very little Win32 so some examples and or tutorials would be helpfull. Thank you Nathan (thekid)
Hey. I can help you a little if you want, right now I''m making my own map editor for an overhead shooter. Email me if you want the source code, and I''ll send it or something.
Assuming you are using VC++, you could use the MFC AppWizard to create a base app for you. I made mine single document interface, with no document/view support. All you really have to do is provide places for the user to select what object they are placing, and set various info in your level, and then detect mouse movement and location in the client area of your window, and act accordingly. If you''re using Borland C++Builder, Delphi, or Visual Basic, then it will probably be easier to do the interface, but if I were you, I would use VC++ and MFC if you have it. I have VC 6 and C++Builder, and while Builder would have been easier, I don''t regret using VC++, because I learned a lot more about Windows in the process (I am still learning about Windows in the process )

Good luck

Jonathan Little

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