
work 3D

Started by January 07, 2002 07:57 AM
2 comments, last by ioda 23 years, 1 month ago
i have to do a work which take a text file containing (x,y,z) for each point (we have a scatter plot) (all these points are obtened by a complex system). And with all these points i have to reconstitute the original 3D object. The reconstitution in 3D has to be as good as possible. In a second time i have to allow to perform several operation on the 3D object (zoom, rotation, translation, application of a photo on the 3D object, give the coordonate (x,y,z) when the mouse move onto the object...) Could you please say me the best way (not too complicated) to do this. Thanks in advance for your response.
Well, that all depends on how the 3d object is saved in the text file. The best way I could think of would be to apply a marching cubes algorithm to your points to generate a surface from all of the points, and then display them using either OpenGL or Direct3D. Once you have the surface (stored as triangles or quads) you can simply display them like any other 3d object in OpenGL or D3d. I use OpenGL as my 3d API and would be glad to help you out with displaying the 3d object if you need help.

Billy -
thanks for the response

i''m going to get informations about the marching cubes algorithm.

in the text file we have all the points with (x,y,z) for each (i''m not totally sure but i will learn more about this in the next days)

one more question : how apply color on the 3D reconstitution if we don''t have color information about the original object? (for the 3D object look as good as possible)
Hugues Hoppe has a paper on that exactly that.

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