File I/O Questions
Anyone know a good way to setup file navigation? I want users to be able to change directories and view all files of a specific extension.
I was hoping that io.h might have functions to find certain file types and directories within a directory, but I havent been able to find any explination of the functions in io.h
Any help would be great.
If programming for Windows, I would recommend using the Win32 API for FindFirstFileEx/FindNext/FindClose. If you''re writing a standard windows application you should be able to use the standard file open/save dialog boxes without a problem.
Thanks for the suggestion.
I can''t use the save/open dialog boxes in my case. I am trying to allow the end user to select which map they want to play. (there isnt a set number of maps)
I can''t use the save/open dialog boxes in my case. I am trying to allow the end user to select which map they want to play. (there isnt a set number of maps)
I''m not sure I understand, why can''t you use standard window''s dialogs for opening/saving files? I''m certain both the common control dialog''s for opening/saving allow for searching around the hard drive and do not particularly care about the number of files in any directory
--- Incompetence is a double edged banana---
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