
printing source code

Started by February 15, 2000 01:48 AM
-1 comments, last by wep 24 years, 7 months ago
hi, first, my question: who has a tool that will print my C++ source code (separate files), putting several pages on one piece paper. please, reply to this post or email me directly at thanks. now for the plug: i'm making a game creation system based on Tim Sweeney's zzt called zzt++. this one man, open source project has been going for more than a year and addresses some pretty cool issues like: - real mode programming under dos (hey, it's a dos game) - timing - screen filling - byte oriented run length encoding - object orientation and some other stuff. it's completely open source and available for download from my web site. WeP Edited by - wep on 2/15/00 1:51:55 AM

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