
Dolphin vs. PS2

Started by February 16, 2000 01:54 AM
16 comments, last by Gromit 25 years ago
All in all, I''d have to agree, the guy''s a moron. But he does bring up some issues about the consoles that seem to be true. I think it is true that Nintendo has benefitted (and will continue to) by waiting. XBand was a perfect example of a new technology that Sega jumped on and released first, while the Nintendo version was refined and ended up being a lot more functional. Square bedamned, the N64 is flat out a better system. The game quality has suffered recently, but I think it''s safe to say that there is at least one N64 game I like for every PSX game I''ve played and said "Wow, it doesn''t suck." (And not counting Square, there is nothing on the PSX that competes with Goldeneye or Mario Kart 64). Also, the point about similar media will make a big difference. While it''s not certain the Dolphin''s hardware will outdo the PS2''s, there''s really no evidence that it won''t. And if that''s the case (and the Dolphin is less expensive), it would be a much more logical choice to go with Nintendo if a lot of the same games are being developed for both systems. Of course, there is the possibility that Nintendo isn''t "playing poker", and that they just don''t have the specs to compete with the PS2. But in competition with any other system released to date, Nintendo has always produced the better product (with the possible exception of Virtual Boy, which wasn''t really in competition with anything anyway). Ultimately though, it doesn''t matter, because if the Dolphin isn''t better than the PS2, it doesn''t look like that it''s that horrible to be stuck with a system pushing 66 million polys/sec, and I think the consumers win either way.
Nintendo has always favored graphics more then speed. Like the NES was better looking then the SMS but the SMS was .. well, not a good point to start off with. SMS just plain sucked.

SNES had better graphics.
SG had more speed.
TG-16 had 2 8bit processor to even out the playing field.

and so on and so on and so on....
William Reiach - Human Extrodinaire

Marlene and Me

I may know nothing at all, but...

Consoles are nothing without good games. If a technologically superior console has average to bad games and not enough good games, it will fail.

The killer apps (apparently) of the N64 were Mario64, Zelda64, and Goldeneye.
The killer apps of the PSX were Gran Turismo, Gran Turismo 2, FF7, and FF8.

Early adopters got a N64. Real console gamers got both. Casual gamers got the PSX. And there are a lot more casual gamers than hardcore ones. Oh, having a CDROM helped. Music CD player anyone?

JeranonGame maker wannabe.
Hillarious! Almost as funny as this caption I read in an HTML coding book ["The HTML WEB Classroom" - Paul F. Meyers (c) 1999 by Prentice Hall, Inc.]:
. "Faster than a speeding bullet...[Superman spiel] And who, disguised as Bill Clinton, mild-mannered President of the United States of America, fights a never-ending battle for Truth, Justice, and the American Way."

. This guy has know idea what he''s even writing for at least two-thirds of his diatribe. He begins to say how Sony has no experience building a console from scratch and only had success with Nintendo''s "help." Fails to mention that Nintendo almost screwed Sony the same way MS screwed IBM over OS/2.
. Then there was this pointless comparison:
"IBM is the best chip producer in the world, making Toshiba look like Apple Computer compared to Microsoft: Nothing."
What is that supposed to mean?! IBM''s been out of making CPUs for a couple of years. Toshiba makes processors for all sorts of applications. Apple makes whole systems. Microsoft makes only software, but some for multiple types or processors [alpha, RISC, etc. versions of NT. Even Office for MacOS.] This isn''t even like comparing apples to oranges. It''s like comparing "Who wants to be a Millionaire" to Pong.
. Heck, I couldn''t even read the whole article my stomach hurt so bad [from a combination of naseua and laughter.] I think the worst argument was how he insisted that Nintendo had the leg up by coming late onto the scene. They almost blew it with the N64 [IMHO] and this time they''ll have two competitors [with more of an idea what gamers want] ahead of them.
I think that whichever console is cheapest will be most popular, and it looks like dreamcast will be it. I know a lot of people only want to have the console with the best specs, it''s really what games the console has that counts. I might be biased saying that I think dreamcast will do the best, as I own one, but when I bought one, I only wanted Soul Calibur, but I now find myself desperate to buy a lot of the games. I also think that nintendo should concentrate on hand helds, because they''re so good at it - I found my old super mario bros game and watch the other day, it might be old and easy, but it''s still fun.
I used to think that the dreamcast was going to suck because it is from sega. My friend got one and I changed my mind. The Dreamcast rocks ps2 and dolphin. Who cares about graphics? It is all about the story line. Final Fantasy 7/8 made the playstation actually look good. Nintendo games just bore me now. They get easier and easier every console. I have faith in the dreamcast because of the upgrade that is supposedly comming out. Then again the specs of the dolphin are still a little iffy.
i couldn''t agree more. it''s the games that make the console. i bought a playstation just for ff7, and it was worth the money. i''ll also buy a dreamcast just for shen mue. i know a lot of people will call me a money waster, but in my opinion it''ll be worth it.
I know it''s been said to death, but the games a system has really do matter (the specs matter a little... just imagine FF7 or FF8 or Chrono Cross on the N64! It''s impossible!!)

...Hmm... I think the N64 was Nintendo''s suicide doesn''t seem like they tried at all to make it... when I first saw some screenshots of games for the "Nintendo Ultra 64" (lol) back in 1995 in Nintendo Power, I was like, "WHOOOAA!!" It looked so cool! ... then when the piece of crap came out, it was nothing like the screenshots... it sucked. ... the only really good games for it are Mario Kart 64, Star Fox 64, and Goldeneye (it wasn''t thaaat great, ... unless you played multiplayer).

The PSX has GREAT games... FF7, FF8, Chrono Cross, Cool Boarders 3, Metal Gear Solid, Ridge Racer, Road Rash... and the N64 tries to imitate it with crap like, Quest 64 (*yeeehaw*! ...tch.), Ridge Racer 64, Road Rash 64 (did anyone see the commercials for these? they suck!)...

The N64 stuck with cartridges because they thought their audience was too stupid to notice they weren''t using CDs like competitors.... "we''re shunning them! haha!" <--Nintendo... idiots.

Chrono Cross rules forever

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