

Started by March 25, 2002 04:44 PM
11 comments, last by Strife 22 years, 6 months ago
OpenBSD is supposed to be the secure one?

geez.. FreeBSD 4.5 is impossible enough to exploit
Hey I use [Free]BSD, I love it...and Beastie is pretty cool

OpenBSD is the most secure out-of-the-box OS around.
The OpenBSD project is aimed at high security in the default install. Now all the *BSD are just as secure as each other, but Open "forces" the security on the user straight away, where as in Net and Free all that stuff is left up to the user after the install.

The NetBSD project is aimed at porting BSD to as many platforms as possible.

If you develop an app on FreeBSD and it isn''t to low-level and maybe uses cross platform libraries(SDL or Qt for example) porting the shouldn''t be too much of an hassle. But I''d say if it compiles on BSD it compile on Linux.

As for the subscripting thing, try I think the profits from there still go into the FreeBSD project.

I think it works something like $25 up front and get the latest and greatest, then every other later release is sent to you and you pay a little less.
quote: Original post by C-Junkie
geez.. FreeBSD 4.5 is impossible enough to exploit

Most unixes are securable, it''s just that OpenBSD comes secure by default.

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