

Started by March 26, 2002 12:52 PM
33 comments, last by tHiSiSbOb 22 years, 11 months ago
Multitexturing is no longer an extension. It has been a standard feature of OpenGL since version 1.2. However, due to the sad state of OpenGL support in Windows (only version 1.1) you must access it through extensions to develop for Windows. Most other OS''s which support OpenGL support at least OpenGL 1.2.

Original post by davepermen
gameplay is not everything..
gameplay makes not the game, the feeling makes the game. and a good feeling you have with good gameplay AND good grafics. i dont mean realistic grafics, but it has to match the gameplay. fun racers have to look funny, doom style shooters dark and scary etc. and the bether the grafics technologically, the more the graficer can implement the feelings grafically of the world represented by the gameplay.

what a game needs:
good gameplay
good grafics
good sountrack

if it does not its just annoying..

and always think about good grafics on the hardware you run it.. if it is a gf4 i want to have doom3 like grafics, if it is my gba, i don''t need perfect perpixellit stuff and volumetric shadows with fur on the meshes etc. for this i dont buy a gba

i know we all say gameplay is the only thing that counts, but be realistic

ok, look back in time, to the Atari, the Amiga, the early PCs, heck even the ZX81. All had good games, yet by todays standards the gfx and sound was sorely lacking.
We''ve been spoilt by better gfx, faster machine etc etc. and have lost the ablity to appricate a good story and the play of the game imho.
Everyone is obessed with making the best looking fastest engine and not what goes behind it.
Yes, all those elements you''ve listed help, however if ya game cant lose all those elements and still be playable again I say something is wrong.


we all say only the inner parts of a person are important, but do you watch the nice looking girl or the bad looking girl walkin trough? you don''t know the inner parts before you learn somebody to know. the same for a game. you wont play a bad lookin game if there is no body tellling you you have to. i dont say i girl has to look like a model, thought, but it has to look realistic, means that what i see is how she is inside. if she looks nice i can try to see if she is nice in her hearth, too..

its all about girls, not?

The problem with this arguement is that who is the ''nice looking girl'' is subjective, and yes, we might all look at the nice looking lasses, but it dont mean we wanna do owt else with ''em.

trying to compare computer games to lasses is just a bad plan
Null And Void: multitexuring is in not an extension since OpenGL1.3 ... in OpenGL1.2 you still need the extension to use multitexturing.

Game is good if good looking ?
Well of course good graphics helps a bit, but that''s not as important as the gameplay.
With crap gameplay it does not deserves to be called ''game'', but with crap graphics it still deserves to be called ''game''.

Game is perfect if good looking ?
Yes of course ! Most (if not all) legendary games have kick-a$$ graphics, with also kick-a$$ gameplay and sound and etc
gameplay makes not the game, the feeling makes the game.

Dude, there wuz something on the headlines the other day - something about a game with no gameplay and lotsa feeling and story... I think they called it a movie or something...


#define TRUE 0
#define FALSE 1

Null And Void: multitexuring is in not an extension since OpenGL1.3 ... in OpenGL1.2 you still need the extension to use multitexturing

If we are already fighting numbers: it''s since OpenGL 1.2.1 to be precise (if anyone cares...)
once again..

if the game has a good feeling then its cool

to get a good feeling you need:
good gameplay
good grafics
good sound

if one of those lacks, the feeling gets worse..

i play tetris on my gameboy, just to note..

i KNOW grafics dont create a good game, nor does the sound.
but gameplay is not everything..

multitexturing is part of gl1.2, but it took some time to get 1.2 compliant drivers, and till today in windows you use gl1.1 headers so you have to treat it as ext..
If that's not the help you're after then you're going to have to explain the problem better than what you have. - joanusdmentia

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Original post by davepermen


Sorry, but it was annoying me the whole way through the thread.

I think the "feeling" thing is not so correct, lets look at breakout(one of my favourite games) gameplay is amazing- play it for hours on end. Graphics, not so great. Sound, not so great.

Yet without 2 of the things you listed its still an awesome game that i really enjoy playing.

gameplay might not be everything, but it rules above everything.
Original post by _the_phantom_
r0><0rs j00 :D

What''s with that lamer talk? Think you''re Elite or something???

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i told you that for puzzle-games graphics don''t care, but they should be cool colorful etc.. like tetrisphere, great done game..

it depends on the game type, but adventures and such should have adequate graphics.. it always depend on what game it is and on what platform. but for every game type, for every platform type. if the graphics don''t match the gameplay game-feeling they are annoying.. or would you like to have all in dirty brown in your breakoutgame? (if your platform can draw colors you want it colorful, dont you?)
If that's not the help you're after then you're going to have to explain the problem better than what you have. - joanusdmentia

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Obviously a blank screen can not make a good game. We don''t need to reach the extreme explanations to understand that
but the fact is : games are good because they''re fun, not because they''re beatiful.
If Tetris was monochrome it would not be worse than 32bit coloured.

In fact we disagree because IMHO we don''t talk about the same term "good graphics".
For some of the posters, "good graphics" means "awesome looking".
And for other posters "good graphics" means "matches the style".
Totally different point of views...


multitexturing is part of gl1.2

If you say that multitexturing is explained in OpenGL1.2.1 specifications, then I agree.
If you say that it is included in the OpenGL core, then I disagree.

What makes the difference between OpenGL1.2.1''s multitexturing extension and OpenGL1.3''s multitexturing core feature is that the extension is not necessarily supported. You could have a full OpenGL1.2-compliant board which does not support multitexturing ; but a full OpenGL1.3-compliant board will necessarily support multitexturing (otherwise it would not be full compliant to OpenGL1.3 specifications).

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