
OpenGL console question

Started by May 08, 2002 03:46 PM
2 comments, last by ando15 22 years, 9 months ago
Alrighty i made a quake like console as a self-learning project and it works brilliantly. BUT. I was wondering did i go about it right (im one of these guys who has to do it the correct way lol). I setup a some font loading and drawing functions ,similar to the GLprint(...) function mentioned in the 2d font tutorial on NeHe''s site, and im handling the WM_CHAR message on my window to grab the keyboard input for typing in the console (getting it via the WM_KEY#### messages i couldnt find a way to properly get the correct character when shift was pressed). I then set it up so that when u press the key to call the console it draws a quad that moves down from the top of the screen and also draws the text in the buffer for the lines on the console that move in with the quad, giving the appearance that they are stuck together. I also setup functions to process commands sent via the console and have it setup so that different comamnd results can be displayed in different colours lol. I thought perhaps it would be better to do it as a different window within my program that gets overlayed on top of my main window but that would prevent having the console being semi-transparent etc. wouldnt it? Any thoughts on improvements or better ways of doing things welcome :-) -ando15
Why not take a look at the Q2 source?

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If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.
umm id rather not download it :-p
Besides i''m really after some comments on the concept as opposed to the code itself. I''d rather figure out the code by myself. :-)

somebody? anybody?


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