

Started by March 12, 2000 06:19 PM
45 comments, last by Akura 24 years, 6 months ago
Hi, I do intend to make this a really meanful post, I know none of these things is your fault, but maybe this concerns you too. One thing I was really proud of myself was to never have been involved in drugs of any type, and I said to myself I was lucky because my friends didn''t also. As you may imagine this little perfect world fall apart, and I discovered it today. I discovered today my best friend (one of the little things that give me a reason to live) is doing drugs. I was in her uncle''s birthday party when we started to talk and she told me. I can say to you I never felt so bad in my whole life, it looked like there was something inside me beating me up, twisting me. She was been "sad" for sometime now, but I never thought this would happen, not with her, but it did, and the worst thing, I couldnt do anything about it. Well, I''m crying now, I''ve been crying all day, I can''t do anything, I can''t talk, can''t sleep, can''t study, can''t program, can''t do nothing ! It''s hard to "lose" somebody like this (I say lose because I don''t think she is like she was, not today, not evermore). I can''t think by one second, that while I''m at home, that maybe she is getting high somewhere. I JUST CAN''T. The thing is, I can''t also be her mom, dad, brother, friend. I can only be her friend, and I''m here for her, I can''t do anything else. I couldn''t figure out WHY ! She has one of the best lifes, she''s a bright student, she has friends that really love her, WHY ? WHY THE FUCK ? WHY ? I''m not happy with this (as you well imagine) so from now on, I''m doing everything I can to prevent anymore I love to get into this problem, and I ask you, do the same. You may not think that is not going to happen, or you can deal with it, YOU CAN''T !! I said the same thing to me, and I can''t ! You can''t, no one can ! So please, talk to your friends, to your parents, to your children, if you don''t have anyone, talk to a school shrink (I hate this word but I dont know how to spell psychistric (bad spelling)). Talk to a teacher or a working friend. Help others and also help your friends and relatives. I was an alchoolic and I stopped drinking for 4 monthes now, today was the worst day, I needed something, but I knwo if I start drinking again, there will be two problems. STOP and think! Help yourself, dont be mislead and "just try it out". You don''t try it out, you start to get addicted, even if you don''t think so, you will, you''ll start with once a month, once a week, once a day, once an hour and so on. STOP and thinkg, I beg you. This life sucks, that I already knew, but I can try to make it a little better, and I''ll give my life to help someone, anyone, I don''t ask you for this, but is all that bad "wasting" 1 hour or half an hour trying to help someone ? Is it that bad ? After this day (probably ''till date, the worst I had) I''m going to say goodbye and just ask you to think a little and help. (if you want you can email me directly) Bruno Sousa
It's good to be an outcast, you don't need to explain what you do, you just do it and say you don't belong there.
Well what drugs is she taking there''s hundreds of thousands, I do feel sorry for you but if it''s just cannibis theres nothing to be feeling bad about.
"I have realised that maths can explain everything. How it can is unimportant, I want to know why." -Me
i have to agree with chris.. i know plenty of people who smoke pot, most of whom do it very seldomly and are totally fine, and even the worst of which are just demotivated losers..
however, an old friend of my best friend (they haven''t seen much of each other for the past few years) has started doing cocaine, and it''s tearing her up (my best friend, that is).. in my opinion, alcohol is much worse than pot (it''s got far worse physical effects, and is physically addictive, which pot isn''t) but something like coke or herion.. those are very serious, scary things..

i''ve never had a close friend get into something like that, and i''m very glad of that, and i''m quite certain that none of my close friends would start. we have conversations on things like that (among others), and i''m sure that they wouldn''t ever try it, and even if they ever considered it, they''d talk about it first.
i''m rambling..

Akura.. perhaps i misinterpretted what you said, but what did you mean when you said "After this day (probably ''till date, the worst I had) I''m going to say goodbye and just ask you to think a little and help." ?
Fuzzyai, I agree with you on some of your points most of my friends are weed heads aswell (I used to smoke from morning to night like them). But cocain isn't AS bad as people say in small amounts it's very nice, it's drugs like crack and heroine that mess people up (unless they are addicted to cocain (something which is very hard to do unless your rich)). People can't really get addicted to cocain unless they by an 1/8 (or over) a day, something which is extremely expensive and only dealers and film stars can afford to do. People can get addicted to cocain but it takes much longer and they will need to spend ALOT more than if they spent that money on crack or heroine, in order to get addicted. I personally like cocain once in a while. I can take some one night and then not have any for months would you say that's addicted? This is just my opinion, the only facts I'm basing them on is my own personal experiences.

Edited by - Chris F on 3/12/00 11:55:27 PM
"I have realised that maths can explain everything. How it can is unimportant, I want to know why." -Me
All drugs are bad. They mess you up, and if they don''t mess you up right away, their affects will bite you in the ass later on.
I''ve never done, or ever tried drugs. I never will, because it is a stupid mistake to participate in. Drugs, in my mind, is a very slow substitute for suicide. Drugs are for the weak minded- the people who are too lazy/stupid/motivated to solve their own damn problems. Chris F, are you that proud to admit that you use drugs? While it may not be as bad as others, it still is *very* bad for. Drugs aren''t bad for me, you say? where''d you get those statistics? Gino, the head of your local crackhouse??

Programming::~Fredric(const Annoy_Ance)
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
No one takes drugs to party ,its just an excuse for escapeing from reality,there must be something bothering the person ..a deap negative buzz,solve or try solve the deap seaded problem ,then you are closer to a solution ,as drugs are just a visable side afect of the problem...
i was a drugey..still smoke grass as i use the excuse its the only way to relax???but why am i strest well its a side affect of my habbit,so i am fooling my self !!!
So if you tell some one to stop drugs you will get told to get f..ked,but if you look for the sorce of the problem you will get more of a welcomeing resolt.
Fredric first of all you have never taken any drugs so you have never had any real life experience just what teachers have told you in school. I never said I was proud to admit I have taken drugs (which by the way I said cocain and weed (occasionally) the way you are generalising things makes it sound like I'm some crack head).
And where the F**K did I say drugs aren't bad for me, come on point it out to me, I have never said anything even along those lines, what I have said is I have taken some drugs, I take some drugs occasionally and I enjoy taking some drugs occasionally. The fact that you have never even smoked a joint and your trying to pass judgement on me like your better than me is completely messed up, you didn't even read my post properly.
At the end you will see I said "THIS IS JUST MY OPINION THE ONLY FACTS I'M BASING THEM ON IS MY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCES." Did you just read the bits that made me sound like I'm in favour of eveything illegal drugs stand for. I didn't say everything I have just said is RIGHT all the biologists and chemists are WRONG! I said I have had many experiences with drugs (not just getting high, and from what I have seen it is MUCH harder to get adicted to cocain than it is to heroine or crack, not from anyones statistics just from what I have seen. Now grow up, you brainwashed little boy.

Edited by - Chris F on 3/13/00 12:33:50 AM
"I have realised that maths can explain everything. How it can is unimportant, I want to know why." -Me
People, please don't be so judgemental!
But no matter what you may want to say about drugs, they're bad! I did all kind of drugs, what did it accomplish? Nothing! Zip! Nada! Sure, I had fun, I had some really tripped out expriences, but in the end it's not worth it. There are just plenty more things to do in life than to involve yourself totally with drugs.

For you Akura, Don't feel too bad! You should do your best to convince your friend that drugs are bad, and she shouldn't do them. Let her make her own decisions!
If you have to spend more time with her. If you need to get professional help! Do it! One thing to keep in mind tho, DO NOT narc her out! Whatever you do the decision has to come to her! She may not make the right decisions so it's up to you to convince her. Narcing her out could serously damage your friend-ship and she may not find the help needed to get out of what-ever problem she may have.

Of course it all depend on the situation. Like the above post mentions if she's smoking weed, just make sure she's doing it in an responsible manner (but still it's best that she didn't, better to quit now than to learn it the hard-way, trust me, you don't want your friend end-up fiending for weed ever damn day). But on the other hand if she's shooting up or doing meth (a very addictive drug BTW:o)
find help for her! If you still want to have your ole friend back.

Then again, maybe I'm going too far. I'm just dropping my 2 cents on ya. Take it with a grain of salt! I'm out later...

As for you serpent7, just because you never tried drugs does not give you the right to judge anyone the way you did. If someone smoke a joint now and then does that mean he/she is a insane unstable loser ? Probably yes , Not everyone are like that! So please don't be so judgemental! Sometimes I feel like this whole socity is based on the judgement of others, why does it have to be this way? Why??? I don't know, probably because I'm a loser burn-out wanna-be programmer, who knows? Okay, let me add few more things I'm a loser burn-out wanna-be programmer whose trying to climb the social ladder, by doing so I have to conform to the so-called-standards of this socity. It's trip. If you just think about it. Bottom-line drugs are bad, quit them while you still can. Throw away your sacks, quit being burn-out losers and start conform to this damn society!

P.S I never graduate from high-school. But I'm doing okay because I learned from my mistakes. To finish my post I'm going to quote Dr.Dre

"Fuck ya'll, all of ya'll if you don't like me "

Edited by - CodePlayEatSleep on 3/13/00 1:02:26 AM
Drug''s are not only used by the weak minded or people who have deep inner problems. I also don''t think that drug users are weak minded, in fact I suggest all weak minded people stay away from them. If you were to ask any drug user about their drug experiences you would find that most of them had a good time doing them. What does this mean?? It means that drugs are fun! Many people, myself included use drugs simply because they are fun. Not because of deep rooted problems.

Drugs can be used responsibly. Just like alcohol. Drugs should be used in moderation.

Most people who say they will never use drugs are being quite unfare to the users. Not all drug users are depressed teenagers with issues. In fact most arent. Don''t think that I am trying to convince people to do drugs, that would be stupid. Drugs DO have their own side effects, which in most cases are bad. Too much weed smoking WILL make you stupid. If you are going to use, use in moderation. If you dont use, then dont have a cow when others do. If you are worried about a loved one forming a drug addiction, tell them your concerns, but don''t make them feel guilty about it.

Drugs can be fun

FACT: LSD (ACID) has NO physical side effects.

TIP: ACID cannot be traced through urine. The only way to detect it are from hair folicals, fingernails, and spinal taps.
LOL I totally agree Shadowrak! Damn, I''m having a feel day with this drug business! On a game-dev fourm, WTF!???

FACT: If you smoke blunt from Hombolt it''s going to get you high. (well depends but who cares! We''re talkin about drugs for-god''s-sake)

All for you alcholic losers! Let''s party! Hey I''m a college bound playa, I got nothing else better to do. Well maybe except for hot girls and Matrix math

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