I've been trying to compile examples from the NVIDIA Graphics SDK 11 (http://developer.nvi...graphics-sdk-11). I have Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate, but was getting tons of linker errors. The SDK says it wants to be statically linked, but when I changed the Linker Input from /MD to /MT, I got even more linker problems.
I read (in the context of the CUDA SDK) that (the CUDA SDK at least) depends on the older compiler in Visual Studio 2008. I downloaded and installed Visual Studio 2008, and after correcting some superficial problems, I get linking errors in various projects. The main ones seem to be:
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'd3dx11effectsd.lib'
andLINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'DXUT10d.lib'
The examples run just fine on my computer--but from the precompiled binaries. I need to be able to compile them myself to make changes and understand how they work. Help!