I've uploaded a new version of the alpha demo. I know there still are a few bugs and tweaks that need to get fixed... but things are moving in the right direction.
Here follows a change log since last version:
- Renamed game back to Medieval Story (read previous post for details).
- Added more anti-alias modes (2x - 8x).
- The buttons in the options screen can be right clicked to go backward when cycling choices (resolution, anti-aliasing, quality etc.).
- The bandits are better at chasing the player.
- Added a knife as weapon. It can be found inside a chest at the beginning of the game.
- There are now rats in Mosscroft. They are good for practice before taking on the bandits.
- Fixed a bug that could occur when talking to Cedric.
- Made the enemies near the end a little bit easier.
- Fixed a bug that made the battle music play when it shouldn't.
- Fixed a bug that caused OpenAL not to be initialized correctly.
The list of fixes could be longer but I felt that the name change had to be released as soon as possible.
Medieval Story is now also available on steam greenlight! If you like the game please vote for it:
You can find the new alpha on the indiegogo campaign site.
Thanks for reading!
Good luck. You seem to be getting some good comments on Greenlight.