The new PC has arrived (i7-6700K, GTX1080), and I'm starting on the final graphics for the game.
Better grass plants were one of the first things. The placeholder graphics were ultra-low-poly, just 3 or 4 quads. I could only draw them every 5 feet or so, any closer together was too many instances. …
status report 6-15-2016
the game is really coming along. its now complete, stable, and appealing enough that i've started playing it just for fun, instead of playing store bought games i own. "resource tracking on a per resource basis" and "lack of variety in diet affecting mood" have really made g…
Major changes to Caveman v3.0 since the August 2015 release of beta 21:
ENCOUNTERS: (encounters and treasure now scale to party size AND level, not just party size)
* regular and quest encounter number appearing now scales based on party strength (numbers AND combat skills), so you get tougher enco…
guys look kinda dumb, girls aren't that pretty, the guy walk ani is kinda awkward (leg bones rotated outwards too far), no action animations or drawing of equipment yet other than weapon in hand, but its a start!
action animation…
I added the ability to draw weapon-in-hand to the skinned mesh test routine. It can toggle between weapon types, and uses the game's built-in matrix editor to position the weapon with respect to the hand bone. The test routine is used to determine the fixup transfor…
A quick update since i haven't posted anything in a while.
I'm busy adding skinned meshes to the game.
When i started working on the game, i was not sure if i could draw the required number of skinned meshes on the target platform, so i used rigid body models to start …
New for beta 20:
Turned off draw_animal_AI. draw_animal_AI displays AI related debugging info above active animals and NPC's. I forgot to turn it off in beta 19.
Download page:
Play now!
Numerous changes in Beta 19:
* added export band member
* added import band member
* added de-activate band member
* make pigment rock object smaller.
* draws obj in hand for find pigment rock action.
* confirmed game won't run …
I've been play testing the game a lot recently. About one game year so far with the same play test character (Grog).
I've gotten perhaps half of the screenshots from that posted.
Play testin…
I've been playtesting a lot recently.
Drawing objects in an avatar's hands in animations
is the next thing on the todo list - and that's just
eye candy. I'm into gameplay, not eye candy.
So I've been playtesting my long term playtest game,
making note of fixes to be …