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Here I am again with a handful of fresh news from the Enchanted Land back stage.
The even better news is that it will be my birthday tomorrow, so there will be a reason to celebrate :). I have some of the interactivity such as adding/deleting friends, etc. programmed. Now I'm goi…
Hello everyone,
this is the third Enchanted Land weekly update. It is scary how fast the week went by. The summer is almost gone. I spent the week fixing the character selection and scripting networking functionality. The bugfixes were mostly finished. In the end I managed to do that on Tu…
Hello everyone,
Another thing that has kept me busy for a while has been putting up the official website. It is up and running! Here is the link:
I've also been working on the character spawner which is a tedious task because of notable noise in…
This is a first blog post from the "Fun Friday Facts" series. Every Friday I will sum up the weekly progress here. This will include insights into what I have been working on, what is planned, sometimes art sneak peeks of course occasional fun facts from Indie game developers li…
Hi guys ! Here is another update on the progress in making the game reality for you. Again huge amount of things has happened since the last post. I am putting my energy into shipping the full release before X-mas as promised. If necessary I'm ready to put in couple of all-nighters as well. At t…
At the moment the game is in development. There will be a tutorial campaign on Facebook which will be available soon. KW Development is doing all this without any external support. This means that KW Development doesn't get paid and have to finance all the expenses myself (mostly graphics). So …