Urban Empires Update - New screenshots

Published October 02, 2007
I've got a new update with a lot of new screenshots of the game. Right now the game is very much in a transition stage, with deadlines fast approaching I'm trying to get as much in there as I can before major testing begins.

Visually I'm happy with the new direction the game is taking, it's about 75% where I want it to be...I'm working on a lot of new city artwork and most of the other artwork is about 30% complete so there is still a lot of content that will be showing up.

Soon I will begin my 3rd pass on the physics, netcode, gameplay, etc...then the game should be ready for some testing :-) I've basically re-written the graphics engine over the last 2-3 weeks. As well as updated every major system in the game.

Here is the link to the official press release by my publisher - Strategy First Press Release - October 2, 2008.

This was copied straight from my homepage... http://www.radioactive-software.com

I'll have a better dev journal update in a few days. Neeeeed Sleeeeeep.

- Danny
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That shit is mouth-watering.
October 03, 2007 05:23 PM
Looking good...starting to look like a game again now :)

The 5th picture down (of the building with the sun above it) looks awsome!! Great work
October 04, 2007 12:34 PM
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