Welcome to our forty-first blog post!
Before we begin, we would like to announce we’ll be working on launching a Kickstarter campaign soon, so please look forward to it!
We began above with a screenshot from our primary environment- the Grove. This is the base environment that will be featured throughout the majority of the early game in regards to the Mystics race.

From there, we move into the Jungle- the Jungle will be the starting environment for one of our future races, the Gyen. It holds a great amount of gameplay prominence as well in regards to how the Mystics will interact with it.

The Seabed is home to the Akelene, and even more critical bosses to fight. Its meant as the final overworld area for the Mystics, before we get into our true final area.

Thank you for viewing our post! Support and interest for the project has been rapidly growing ever since we began posting here, and we're incredibly grateful for all the wonderful feedback so far! We hope this project interests you as much as we love developing for it, and please look forward to more updates coming in the very near future!
If you’re brand new, consider checking out our trailer and overall description of the game here.