
War Ambience

Started by August 23, 2002 08:46 AM
3 comments, last by Lynck 22 years, 1 month ago
I''ve been trying to figure this out for quite some time and I''m not sure how to create a great ambient background for a war game. I''ve tried just mixing gun sounds together with screams and bullet wizzing but it doesnt have the same kind of effect as it does in Medal of Honor: Allied Assault or Frontline. I dont really have a huge soundboard where I can do all the nifty stuff cause I can''t afford one right now. I just need some feedback on how you would personally go with this. Thank you
Well, it depends. If you are going to be in a huge battle, and it is always going to be ravaging on no matter what the player does, then bullets and screams make sense. If the player''s actions can result in the battle going quiet, then that kind of ambience would make no sense as the display would show a bunch of people standing around.
-------------------------GBGames' Blog: An Indie Game Developer's Somewhat Interesting ThoughtsStaff Reviewer for Game Tunnel
As far as how you would go about making the sounds, be creative!
Get a microphone and record all sorts of sounds.
Find some kind of free mixer if you can, and then mess with the sounds.
I read that someone took a .wav file of himself breathing and he was able to manipulate it enough to make it sound like an explosion in a Space Invaders clone. You can surely find a similar way to make the ambient sound.
-------------------------GBGames' Blog: An Indie Game Developer's Somewhat Interesting ThoughtsStaff Reviewer for Game Tunnel
banging various items on a desk works surprisingly well, especially with a few various effects (reverb, speed)

but... i usually steal them just find one of your games and go searching for their sound effects directories. you can find some great stuff. if its like starcraft, and has no such directory, download a program like total recorder to record the sounds while you play the game.

there are a HUGE number of programs out there for sound editing, some free, some not, some good, some bad.
some good AND free.

i would suggest goldwave... dont ask me where i got it though: just do a search, youll find it.

good luck!

The thing about ambient sound is that it''s not very clear - especially in the case of war ambience. If you play the ambient sounds in medal of honour, they are low pitch, bassy sounds. The higher frequencies have been lost and it''s more of a ''thud'' sound than a ''bang'' sound. Take your bangs and booms, lose the screams, unless you want up-close ambience, and drop them in pitch, increase the bass and see what happens.

Maybe order them more logically too. Mortal sounds are usually preceeded by the whistle of the shell. Machine gun fire would be done in short controlled bursts as ammo was scarce during the war.
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