X-Com anyone?

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14 comments, last by happybara 19 years, 8 months ago
Just curious, who all still plays X-Com, UFO or TFTD?
Sorry ,i won it 5 years ago.No multiplayer support condemned it.
From Argentina.

I carry around a USB flash memory dongle with X-COM 1 installed on it, so that I can play it on any computer I'm around when I have free time. I have never done this with any other game. I think that's all I need to say.
Assassin, aka RedBeard. andyc.org
Look at http://www.xforce-online.com
Wow thats a cool site, ill have to dig through it and see what all its about.

I was asking the quesiton because it seems that about every year or twice a year, my friends come over and say 'hey lets do some x-com' so then I install from the collectors edition and we play for about a month or so, depending on how often they come over (we divide up the troops on the tactical missions and each have our own guys, and we compete to see who gets most kills and best rank)

Cool idea Assasin, im going to have to try that so i dont always have to reinstall and apply my modifications, (custon maps and weapons) each time we decide to play.

Thanks for the feedback
I still play both occasionally, very few games since have beaten them in terms of gameplay and enjoyment IMO. I would love to spend time writing a sequel, but I have my hands full at the moment, maybe some day. And turn-based, none of this real-time rubbish.



Look on the net for a game called Laser Squad Nemesis. The makers on one of the X-Com games made it.
"I am a pitbull on the pantleg of opportunity."George W. Bush

Try that
Yeah, X-Com definately rulez. :) Have you played "X-Com : Aftermath"? I think that guys from Czech Republic made a great work... except that I was kicked to my windows desktop a few times with a nice message : "assertion failed! vertexarray.cpp" or something. ;P

___Quote:Know where basis goes, know where rest goes.
It's Ufo: Aftermath, and has nothing to do with X-Com. :)

It's also far less fun, in my opinion. The sequel, Ufo: Aftershock looks promising though..

And I regularly install/try to play X-Com. Haven't had much success for the last few years though. It doesnt like Windows XP. Is there anything I'm missing? How do you get that working?

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