Lesson 01 - Nearing Completion

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1 comment, last by DevLiquidKnight 17 years, 11 months ago
Seeing as lesson 01 is almost done, I think we should set a date that you should try and not make any more changes after. The date set will be July 16th or next Sunday which is when we will have our meeting. The reason for this is so it will be easier to write the tutorial without frequent changes to the code. I will work on the lesson 01's tutorial and get a rough draft on it perhaps the day after it's due.
what do you think, should we pass a log_file to the ogl::init() function?
I think it would be useful for anything else that uses log (for instance my texture class)
I figured when we describe the new layout of the basecode it will be easier if we had a UML diagram. Give you the basecodes UML!

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