6 new songs at mp3.com

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1 comment, last by Malygris 22 years, 11 months ago
GO to www.mp3.com/malygris/ and check out the new songs that were released. all the new songs have a picture of a black cross next to them. "CRASH" is my favorite song on the page. please check it out and give feedback. Edited by - Malygris on June 21, 2001 1:56:58 AM
To comment send mail to [email=malygris@usa.net]malygris@usa.net[/email], to see music head to kings music... Thanks alot.
in that song CRASH i say, "crash" sounding like a robot! if that intises people to listen, then GOOD!!!
To comment send mail to [email=malygris@usa.net]malygris@usa.net[/email], to see music head to kings music... Thanks alot.
got two more songs on the verge of being released

i''ll call them "wasp" and "Raise the Spectrum"

just thought you should know... i''m going to take a break after that AND i''ve deleted many songs from my mp3.com site that i didn''t feel were good enough to my standards anymore... thanks for listening and i may come back to spamming the boards... who knows..
To comment send mail to [email=malygris@usa.net]malygris@usa.net[/email], to see music head to kings music... Thanks alot.

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