
XNA Workshop Member Introductions!

Started by January 17, 2011 05:41 AM
82 comments, last by Michael_B 13 years, 7 months ago
Hey guys i'm Jannek - 22y

From Denmark (northern Europe)

I've just finished my first semester at Software Development on the IT-University of Copenhagen. I've been coding Java for six years though, and php some years before that. From time to time I arrange game development workshops at different high schools with (danish site). We use Scratch. And I'm going to teach programming in Unity at Game Development Camp next summer (If you're on a scandinavian high school, you should definitely sign up!)

After developing on Windows for many years I grew tired of it, so now my Windows is only used for games. While everything else happens with Ubuntu!

I am also quite lazy, so most games I get done, is the games I've made for various game jams (both offline and online), with a fixed deadline :) But I got a ton of projects in development XD

[font=&quot;arial, sans-serif&quot;]I enjoy the company of women and some times I even enjoy what they have to say.</blockquote><br /> Damn XD
Hey all,

Name is Andy and I have been dabbling with gamedev for around 4 years. I have played around with XNA earlier and have developed a scroller demo.

Am hoping to connect with some of you and join a team to create an awesome game. :)
Howdy, my name is Vikram (could you tell?), I'm 21 and live in Australia.

I've been messing around with code since I was about 7 (VB6 is what I started on), then moved on to Pascal in highschool (had a LOT of fun writing text-based RPGs in year 9). Been gaming since I can remember (used to play in built linux games on my dad's comp when I was 7/8). I've taught myself Python and a smattering of C# (XNA 2), learnt some C/C++ at Uni (hate it). I'm quite a competent programmer, but very lazy when it comes to learning, so I took the last year off my uni degree (Bachelor of Arts [Games Design + Interactivity] / Science [Software Design]) to work. Now this year I'm not 100% about getting back in to my course for this new semester, probably back for semester 2, and my housemate who's in the same position as me linked me to this, so here I am!

Anyway, gonna have a blast learning with you guys, and thanks to the people who've set this up for us!
Hi all. I'm Chris Bennett (28 from Australia), otherwise known around here as dwarfsoft. I have been programming for 14 years and am primarily self-taught, though I do have a Degree in Computer Science - Software Development. Most of my daily work is Server Administration of Government Organizations for a Private Company where I mostly do Scripting work. I have had some experience developing web apps and Windows Administration tools. I have also programmed a few games in my years. My experience has mostly been with Pascal, C/C++, VB.NET, C#, php and python.

I've also had experience with XNA before while developing a quick Breakout prototype which I blogged about in "XNA In A Day", and a little more behind the scenes with XNA as well. I'm looking forward to having a formal look at what XNA has to offer me throughout this Workshop. I've got a lot of ideas that I'd like to put into some mini-games and one day I'd like to be able to sell games (as a hobby) :)
Hi my name is Andy Scott. I have a rudimentary knowledge of C#, and have dabbled with XNA a little bit.

I'm a service engineer for a medical company by day. I live in the UK.

Greetings all, I'm Tim.

I have learned C#, but I've been lacking drive and so I feel I've lost a good deal of it's knowledge. Hopefully, this will help me get back into the game and get me some more knowledge of XNA I couldn't seem to obtain by going through tutorials.

Hi all,
I'm another UK dabbler in C[size=2]# and XNA,[size=2] primarily interested in 2D strategy games. I like to think i have plenty of vision but relatively little skill… i&#39;m here l[size=2]ooking to gain the knowledge and technique to follow a project through to completion for the first time.<br /> [size=2]<br /> <br /> [size=2]<br />
Hello everyone,

My name is Steve from the New York, I've been working with C, C++, C#, Prologue, and Java. I've done my fair share of level design and modelling for 9 years now starting with when IDtech3 was fancy. I've taken a couple courses in 3D mathematics for game design but never got myself emerged enough into it and hope to break further in now.
Hi everyone,

I'm Peter Chantler,

I have minimal Java and C# Experience and i wish to learn XNA to become an Indie Developer or maybe take my new found skills into a proper job ;)

I live in Bundaberg, QLD Australia which is one of the more hard hit areas(its starting to subside atm) of the recent flooding. at the moment i am currently intermittently getting cut off from the main parts of town. (i live 20km outside of it), I don't have a job and i am going to finish my final year of University (Bachelor of Information Technology). so i am going to spend my time, until we get guarantees of passage, playing with code and XNA :)

I wish to thank Jeromy Walsh and all of the mentors that will help in setting up the workshop.



Hey guys,

I'm Steve and I'm a C#, Java and C++ developer from the UK. I'm 21 years of age and I graduated from a BSc in Computing last year in June. I've been doing bits of XNA programming here and there and I even created a space shooter style 2D game last year as part of my degree work. I'm now looking to expand on my XNA and game programming skills to hopefully branch more into 3D game development. I'm hoping by the end of this I will be a competent XNA programmer and perhaps even join or start up a game development team perhaps with some of you guys to start making games together. Good luck to everyone I'm sure we will all do well

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