
[Rev-share] Corven is looking for a 3D artist as a permanent team member

Started by August 02, 2017 06:02 PM
0 comments, last by Corv 7 years, 2 months ago

We are a small but very passionate team creating a story driven RPG (think Ultima with some Adventure game elements mixed in) for PC with UE4. We have been working on it for about a year and the goal is to do a Kickstarter in Fall/Winter this year. For now it can be classified as "hobby" project but the clear goal is to turn professional with the success of this project. You can read more about it all on the homepage

Here is a small reveal trailer:

We have some freelance artists working for us, but what we really need is a 3D artist as part of the team. Someone who is talented (some experience with animations is important too) and motivated. The first big task would be creating armor and other loot items. You would be part of the core team. We all work on it for free at the moment and the money we do need to spend comes out of my personal bank account, but we are extremely confident that we will succeed with this project. If you would be willing to work with us, for free for now, then you will earn a percentage of the revenue of the finished game.

We give everything we have to make this game as close to perfect as possible. If you have the same drive then please contact me and we can talk about details. It would be preferable if you could use the contact form on our homepage since that will make sure that I see it immediately:


- strong 3D asset creation skills
- 3D animation experience

- experience in Unreal Engine 4
- Texture creation skills (for your 3D creations)

I think this could be the perfect entry into the game development business for a talented newcomer. Take a chance! We need you :)


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