This is a follow up to a previous post. MrHallows had asked me to post the project, so I am going to with a new fresh thread so that I can get the most needed help.
I have put the class in the main .cpp to simplify for your debugging purposes. My error is :
C1189 #error: OpenGL header already included, remove this include, glad already provides it
I tried adding : #define GLFW_INCLUDE_NONE, and tried adding this as a preprocessor definitions too. I also tried to change the #ifdef - #endif, except I just couldn't get it working. The code repository URL is :
The branch is : combine_sources
The Commit ID is: a4eaf31
The files involved are : shader_class.cpp, glad.h, glew.h
glad1.cpp was also in my project, I removed it to try to solve this problem.
Here is the description of the problem at hand:
Except for glcolor3f and glRasterPos2i(10,10); the code works without glew.h. When glew is added there is only a runtime error (that is shown above.)
I could really use some exact help. You know like, "remove the include for gl.h on lines 50, 65, and 80. Then delete the code at line 80 that states..."
I hope that this is not to much to ask for, I really want to win at OpenGL. If I can't get help I could use a much larger file to display the test values or maybe it's possible to write to an open file and view the written data as it's outputted.
Thanks in advance,