
Creating a 2D RPG Game With Unity

Started by May 17, 2020 05:02 PM
5 comments, last by jenna_kim 4 years, 4 months ago

I've been planning on creating a 2D RPG game on Unity but I have a basic knowledge of C# so I'm not sure if this is do-able for an intermediate level person.

Should I study C# more before starting this? I know Unity has tutorials on C# but I can't find them. If there's a link to the tutorials, could you post the link?

jenna_kim said:

I've been planning on creating a 2D RPG game on Unity but I have a basic knowledge of C# so I'm not sure if this is do-able for an intermediate level person.

Should I study C# more before starting this? I know Unity has tutorials on C# but I can't find them. If there's a link to the tutorials, could you post the link?

I don't know how you personally define "intermediate" in C# and what that means for you, but I would work more on actual game design. Have you drafted up a Game Design Document and concepted out what you want your game to be like?

Assuming this isn't your first game, then go for it! Plan well though because developing an RPG as you go will turn into a mess quickly. Once you have clear vision of what you're doing and a plan to get there you can pick up any lacking knowledge when you hit those obstacles.

Best wishes.

Programmer and 3D Artist


Thank you for the tip. I'll keep a note of that.

The question is not if you should learn more C#. I started with zero knowledge of C#. The question is if you should learn more Unity before starting, to avoid having to discard the project over and over until you find the right way to do what you want.

rogerdv said:

The question is not if you should learn more C#. I started with zero knowledge of C#. The question is if you should learn more Unity before starting, to avoid having to discard the project over and over until you find the right way to do what you want.

Good point! This is why people need to make smaller games and learn the engine as opposed to diving into an RPG right off the bat.

The OP hasn't indicated their Unity experience or game development experience. Personally, Unity is such an easy engine to grasp even with their documentation alone you can do just fine.

They also have tutorials:

Programmer and 3D Artist

I've had Unity for two and a half years now. I create 2D games such as a platformer once in a while. It's for learning purposes and I have a lot of fun with it.

I enjoy playing RPG games so I thought about creating my own and see how it turns out. I'm doing this for fun and also it's a test to see how well I know Unity and its many features.

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