@DevReign Maybe an easier example: I wrote a chemical drawing program, which responds differently to mousemove and LMB down messages depending on the tool the user selected. My first draft looked like this:
select (ToolType)
case DrawingTool: DrawStuff(); break;
case LassoTool: SelectStuff(); break;
case EraserTool: EraseStuff(); break;
[a ton more case statements]
Now, I just set a pointer when the user selects the tool. The whole switch statement gets replaced with
if (pTool≠nullptr)
It's a programming pattern, I can't remember the name.
I did the same thing with my ‘Game Stages’. In my game loop, I had another switch statement like:
Select (MyStage)
case: GameStage: PlayGame(); break;
case HiScoresStage: ShowHighScores(); break;
case TitleStage: ShowGameTitle(); break;
Now, I have a BaseStage, and the GameStage, TitleStage, HiScoreStage, PauseStage,CreditsStage that all inherit from it.
The big switch statement in my game loop is replace by
If the user hits ‘Escape’ in the GameStage, then pCurrentStage = pGameStage(); and the game is paused. When the user hits escape in the pause stage, then pCurrentStage=pGameStage and the game continues.
You can do the same thing with FSMs. For example if a robot spots the player while in the PatrolState, then pRobotState = pPursueState(pPlayer). If the Robot looses line of sight with the player while in the PursueState, then pRobotState = pSearchState.
It's maybe a little more complicated than it sounds, but it's explained well in that book I mentioned.