Important Changes
- Introduced LuminousIntensity (expressed in candela) and Illumination (expressed in lux) classes.
- Replaced Spot/Point lights specular and diffuse intensities with a single LuminousIntensity value.
- Replaced Directional lights specular and diffuse intensities with a single Illumination value.
- The specular, diffuse, sheen, clearcoat, and scattering models are now fully replaceable.
- The default lighting model is now glTF's.
New Features
- Implemented a debug drawer, which allowed for displaying clustered lighting AABBs and BVH.
- Implemented default textures, to prevent pipelines explosion.
- Added support for MSDF fonts.
- Added support for diffuse transmission.
- Added support for dispersion (chromatic aberration).
- Added support for webp images.
- Added support for basisu images.
- Added support for image inversion along X and Z axes (Y axis was already supported).
- CastorViewer can now directly open files from an external 3D file format.
- Implemented reflections from procedural sky.
- Implemented vertex pulling for rasteriser passes.
- castor::Angle, castor::Length, castor::Speed are now constexpr friendly.
- Added a way to disable far plane blur, in depth of field plugin.
- Added a way to display the irradiance map instead of the skybox (for showcase purposes).
- Improved smoothness for mouse nodes control, in CastorViewer.
- Implemented anisotropic specular BRDF.
- Implemented Disney BRDF.
Bug fixes
- Fixed tree view limits.
- Many fixes to glTF importer plugin.
- Fixed dots issue in prefiltered environment map.
- Added display topology to pipeline flags, to prevent some issues when multiple topologies are mixed.
- Fixed a crash on CastorViewer application shutdown with an object selected.