Hello there.
As mentioned in a previous blog entry, we're developing an adventure game called Outsider, where every puzzle is different. Outsider is being developed in Unity using a plugin called SVG importer, meaning most graphics in the game are vectorial.
In th…

We're releasing an improved version of Fold on Steam this Wednesday. Fold is an original puzzle game where you fold, expand and rotate blocks to bring them together until only a block of each colour remains. The mobile version was considered by Apple as one of the best games in its release week. T…

4 years later...
Get In the Ring has been thrown in the pile of projects on hold. We've been developing Outsider, an adventure game where every puzzle is different.
In the past year we've been selected by Eurogamer as one of the 8 best Portuguese games and as one of the 11 best in Playstation Tale…

I'm now into week 3 of Get In The Ring's development. A friend told me the camera was a bit jerky and pointed me to this excellent article that covers anything and everything about cameras in side-scrollers. For now I've adopted the camera smoothing approach where the camera chases the player p…

Suit Suit go is a puzzle/card game where you upgrade cards by making sequences. It was developed with Unity. It's free and our first game to be ad-supported. Please give it a try!

Google Play link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.onceabird.twitchythrones
App Store link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/twitchy-thrones/id898649182?mt=8

I've been busy porting Twitchy Thrones to Unity. The game was originally programmed in Objective-C, using XCode and the Cocos2D framework. Cocos2D is a great framework but if you want to publish your game for iPhone, Android and PC you have to use C++ and Cocos2D-X. Setting up Cocos2D-X isn't…

Here's the release trailer: