Halloween Costume Ideas

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35 comments, last by uncle_rico 18 years, 7 months ago

Got all of the stuff. Just need to not bring the Iaito along. weapons + alcohol != smart. Perhaps a cardboard tube for the penny arcade factor.
Quote:Original post by stylin
Man, if I had the balls I'd do it for a picture. Actually, I'd probably do it if reasonably compensated ... [grin]

I'm sure others as well as myself would be glad to rate you up for this. That's reasonable compensation, it will also make for a good story in the newspaper.

I'm thinking of going as a mafia member (1930's style). I have the suit, just need the hat.
Quote:Original post by BitBlt
Quote:Original post by stylin
Man, if I had the balls I'd do it for a picture. Actually, I'd probably do it if reasonably compensated ... [grin]

I'm sure others as well as myself would be glad to rate you up for this. That's reasonable compensation, it will also make for a good story in the newspaper.

I will also send $1.50 via paypal.

[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]

Some friends and I have been toying with idea of getting 9 people together, and be the Ringwraiths from LOTR, heh. I think it would be awesome if we did it properly... just have to worry about people calling the cops, lmao.

Would be kick ass if someone had some electronics experience... made a thing they could stand in and control with a controller. So have like tank treads you can stand on, and go zooming around with. Go all digital/robot looking. Just practice moving around and don't make mistake of coming to a sudden stop, will end up on your face if you aren't careful.
I am just wearing Halloween contact lenses this year,

Have done so for the last 2 years, easy to do and the response from everyone is great,

i am going for the Fire (sith) contact lenses this year, they can be viewed at WWW.PIMPINDEALS.COM for those who have not seen them before.

I might even go a step further and get a cloak and light sabre
I'm dressing up as a smallpox carrier.
With love, AnonymousPosterChild
I think that this would be a great costume...

Whoisdoingthis.com - my stupid website about warning labels.
I think I'll dress up as me. It doesn't sound original, but I'd guess that there are fewer people dressing up as me on halloween than dressing up as pirates, ninjas, etc.

Oh, and mr 1337 ninja mushu, you must have some of these(or these or these), and only the real thing counts. Oh, and you have to, at least once during whatever event you attend, throw it and avoid hitting anybody but hit close enough that they feel your Real Ultimate Power™*

*I'm not responsible if you break something, especially if it is a person
"Walk not the trodden path, for it has borne it's burden." -John, Flying Monk
Quote:Original post by zoe777
I am just wearing Halloween contact lenses this year,

I was thinking about getting some myself, possibly white or yellow. Do you notice the color while wearing those?
:stylin: "Make games, not war.""...if you're doing this to learn then just study a modern C++ compiler's implementation." -snk_kid

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