Halloween Costume Ideas

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35 comments, last by uncle_rico 18 years, 7 months ago
Devil's Night is nearly upon us, and I was wondering what I might be seeing come 10/31. I absolutely abhor passing out candy, and I haven't gotten dressed up in a few years. I've been thinking of going around town as Archvile, as the new Doom movie has got my nostalgia kicked up a few notches. If you're dressing up this Hallow’s Eve, what will you be mascarading as?
:stylin: "Make games, not war.""...if you're doing this to learn then just study a modern C++ compiler's implementation." -snk_kid
I'm dressing up as [name is bannable so won't be mentioned]
I haven't decided yet, but I presume that I'm probably going to a party of some sort. I might go as a ninja/samurai. I'll have to get a nice cardboard sword to swing around, since all the ones we normally use in the dorm have been worn down to dagger-length. I've had to downgrade twice, once from longsword (cardboard strut) to dagger/buckler (broken strut, cardboard box), and now to a morning star (socks tied together). It gets fucking violent in here, you'd be suprised how much damage 3-4 pairs of socks can do at high velocity.

Not nearly as much as someone swinging those heavy struts, but then again I can usually use the sock whip to snag + disarm [lol]

Kind of hard to block projectiles with the whip though...
Talk Like a Pirate Day really inspired me.
I may go with the whole pirate gig. Rrrr.

Mushu: on October 31st we will be sworn enemies. (But only for a day) [smile]
I'll be dressed up as a California Highway Patrol officer. Girlfriend will be dressed up like an Egyptian Queen of some sort.

I'm pretty sure I will also have to get some handcuffs for...uh...the costume. Yeah.
Quote:Original post by Mushu
... you'd be suprised how much damage 3-4 pairs of socks can do at high velocity.

I can imagine - especially if they're not clean ...
:stylin: "Make games, not war.""...if you're doing this to learn then just study a modern C++ compiler's implementation." -snk_kid
Well, if you're going to be dressed up like some monster from Doom, make sure to set fire to yourself, as burning monsters are always cooler than non-burning ones.

Or, go see a local butcher and get some intestines and attach it to your belly area. It sure must look fucking scary if you have intestines hanging around over the place :P


I've got a rubber pigtail redhead wig thing, and a black shirt that says "COSTUME" in orange letters.
Buckethead for me.
----------------------------------------------------"Plant a tree. Remove a Bush" -A bumper sticker I saw.
Quote:Original post by Toolmaker
Well, if you're going to be dressed up like some monster from Doom, make sure to set fire to yourself, as burning monsters are always cooler than non-burning ones.

Man, if I had the balls I'd do it for a picture. Actually, I'd probably do it if reasonably compensated ... [grin]
:stylin: "Make games, not war.""...if you're doing this to learn then just study a modern C++ compiler's implementation." -snk_kid

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