Best social media for engagement

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3 comments, last by Hodgman 5 years, 1 month ago

Hey guys, I'm making a website for my project and one of my friends told me I should include a social media link despite me believing is not necessary.

Therefore would like to hear about based on your knowledge and experiences on which social media would be the most effective way to engage with players.

Thanks =D



So: you don't want to use social media, because you think your friend is wrong. But you want us to recommend one social media platform to you? This seems contradictory.

-- Tom Sloper --

15 minutes ago, Tom Sloper said:

So: you don't want to use social media, because you think your friend is wrong. But you want us to recommend one social media platform to you? This seems contradictory.

You are right, my bad for that. I may have phrase it wrongly to make it sound contradictory. I was against using social media as I think it might not be an effective tool to engage with players as I believe is usually used to update players rather than having a 2 way communication. But my friend pointed out that social media can also be used to communicate to players as well as reaching out to many more potential players. 

That's why I wanted to know more about this as I lack knowledge and experience. I hope it kinda clear things up. 

We have, in order if most directly engaged: Discord chat, Steam forums, Facebook and Twitter.

As for getting messages out to people, we have a good old fashioned email mailing list as well... Which actually performs better than all of the above combined (in terms of whether people will click on a link that we publish).

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