Dear game developers,
I am looking forward to find people who are interested in 3D software rendering. In my opinion it is good to start in software to learn the basics, especially starting with a good implementation as foundation. If you understand everything you can move on to complex hardware acceleration APIs. The implementation is capable to render triangles and rectangles.
Code to render a triangle looks sort of like this:
local viewFrustum = createViewFrustum(
createVector(0, 0, 0), -- position
createVector(10, 0, 0), -- right
createVector(0, 0, 10), -- up
createVector(0, 20, 0) -- front
local plane = createPlane(
createVector(-3, 10, -3),
createVector(6, 0, 0),
createVector(0, 0, 6)
local function task_draw_scene(thread)
local bbuf = create_backbuffer(640, 480, 255, 255, 0, 50);
local dbuf = createDepthBuffer(640, 480, 1);
local time_start = getTickCount();
local gotToDraw, numDrawn, numSkipped = draw_plane_on_bbuf(viewFrustum, bbuf, dbuf, plane, true, “tri”);
if ( gotToDraw ) then
outputDebugString( "drawn " .. numDrawn .. " pixels (skipped " .. numSkipped .. ")" );
If I managed to capture your interest then I have to mention that you require the game “Grand Theft Auto San Andreas”, the multiplayer framework “MTA:SA” and the following MTA Server resource:
There is a topic on the MTA forums if you want to learn more about this project. Maybe we will get to write a really good C++ implementation ?
- Martin