The Future of Games

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35 comments, last by Senses777 22 years, 3 months ago
Wow. My roommate puts in 112 hours a week at halflife. For the last 3 months...

They''re coming for you!
yeesh, when he looks away, does he see in pixels? .sen
"I want to make a simple MMORPG first" - Fenryl
quote:Original post by pwd
Wow. My roommate puts in 112 hours a week at halflife. For the last 3 months...

They''re coming for you!

How the heck ramsey is that possible? The most I can put into any game is maybe 10 hours a week. 60+ if I''m making it though.

I wanna'' ride on the pope mobile.
Holy crap! An average of 16 hours per day!
ReactOS - an Open-source operating system compatible with Windows NT apps and drivers
"Wow. My roommate puts in 112 hours a week at halflife. For the last 3 months... "

Still haven''t beaten it yet?... Yeah... Those last levels can be tough... lol
I think it''s some variant of the Evercrack sickness - he plays online. I''ve already tried to convince him to learn to program, and gave up a month or so ago.

They''re coming for you!
Yeh... I tried to convince my cousin to pick up programming. He''s just such a Quake3-junkie and wouldn''t go beyond the first example in a book.
Some people were just meant to be consumers I suppose =P Creating = loler. .sen
"I want to make a simple MMORPG first" - Fenryl
oh, lol=fun in... what language again? I always forget. .sen
"I want to make a simple MMORPG first" - Fenryl
Getting back to the origonal topic for a second...

I think the only downside to the rapid improvement in games is that it will eventually make the "Small Game Developer" opsolete. Think about it, if every game on the market has graphics as good as those in the moves "Shrek" or "Final Fantasy", then it will be next to impossible for newcomers to the industry to sell games. True, even the simplest game can be fun and addicting, but most people wouldn''t even give the game a chance. They''d just look at the screenshots on the box and say, "Yuck! This piece of crap doesn''t even have phong-shaded curved surfaces! I''m just gonna get me a copy of Quake 5 instead!"

Just something to think about...

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