Inching towards an elusive goal in mind: playable

posted in davidkilmer
Published October 13, 2019 Imported

At this point, I am shocked I have gotten this far. I keep having issues, I keep solving them, and it keeps moving forward. Un-freaking-believable.

I set up a todo list 31 days ago, and got most of it knocked out. I figured, this would be a good time to square it back up, tack on some more , and get it going. Maybe not so long of a list this time.

So a few things still not added, including a camp fire, a shelter, and the fauna jake had laid out in design. We know combat works ( still, the sand snakes still exist ) so I am not to concerned about it. To add camp fire to the items buildable, I realized we need to have items have a ‘burn’ type variables, since a fire could break out due to lightning or whatever ( no idea what else, but its a thing ) . And for a shelter, it occured to me that needs to be a section in the items base script – things like, is it a sleepable shelter, how many items can it hold, which then brings up the fact that I need another inventory type panel for shelter/storable , so like a holding chest.

So lets get it on, here is the todo list for the next few weeks:

  1. Limit searching for items by “hand” ( no tools ) by adding to the list of regenerate-ables.
  2. Add “fire” – like variables to Item_Object
  3. Create a “camp fire” item, that can be lit with a “bow drill” item
  4. Add “Shelter” item to sleep and store items in
  5. Add Fauna in Jake’s design ( 3 predators )
  6. implement animation for weapons (maybe consider collision for combat instead of the current tile system)
  7. implement missle weapons ( spear, bow and arrows )
  8. Add Tutorial stuff to MWC ( message window controller ) as well as intro text, and other texts
  9. Disaster: Lightning strikes caused by storms, starts a fire
  10. Disaster: Earthquake, shakes screen, causes damage to player ( and mobs ) and could destroy shelters
  11. Disaster: Volcano caused by Earthquake rises and flows lava, lava starts fires and causes damage
  12. Disaster: Flooding caused by long rain storms, rises waters and destroys shelters

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